1.Moving on

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Jeon Jungkook was living in Busan with his parents and his son Junghe. ( Making names - my forever enemy )

Jungkook was turning 27 soon. But he wasn't fond of his birthday as it also marked one year since his divorce. That arranged marriage he was in for two years only gave him one good thing which was his son. In those days where Jungkook felt like his life was meaningless, his son Junghe brought a smile in his face. He was Jk's only reason for existing.

"Son, it is going to be one year since you got divorced. You should move on from that. You have a life ahead of you.Go to some place like you always dreamt about. Start fresh. No one is stopping you. Please don't waste your time on someone who didn't even love you ", Mrs. Jeon said. Advising Jungkook was now a daily thing for his parents.

"Mom. But I loved him and got hurt in the end."

"Baby...... Junghe needs you more now. Don't we make sacrifices for you? That's what parents do. Junghe is a sweet kid. He understands everything better than we expect so aren't we supposed to think from his side as well? Even thou he doesn't show that he is sad, he sure is. A change in atmosphere would do both of you good. It is not like we are sending you to another country so ofc we can visit each other often."

Jungkook was in tears. He did have the best group of people around him. "Dad has got you and Junghe a flat in Daegu. It is a small place but it is just how you like it. You can find a job there. Your dad also got Junghe in a playschool. Go there and start a new life son.". Mrs. jeon said . Their family was quite wealthy but it was Jungkook's wish to make his living and live independently.                          

"So you are going to daegu with your pappa? Will you forget grandma and grandpa after you make new friends there? ", Mr. Jeon asked Junghe who was standing beside his pappa who was loading all their luggage into the taxi.

"NO!! No way Grandpa, I can never forget you . I will come back very soon. When I come back I'll make sure my feet will touch the ground if I sit in my swing.", Junghe said cutely pointing at the swing. Mr. Jeon leaned closer pulling the kids squishy cheeks making Junghe smile.

"Son make sure to let us know if you want anything and also remember u can always come back here" , Jungkook's mom said pulling them both into a hug. "We aren't going to another country like someone said so ofc we will visit each other often" Jungkook added sarcastically only to get smacked in his head by his mom.

"Take care of my grandson" Mr. Jeon added. "Waw, Dad ! Not one word of concern for your own son "  "I'm scared of your son being under your care more" his dad said looking at Junghe smiling a wicked smile. Jungkook scoffed nodding his head in disagreement. 

Junghe kept on waving until his grandparents where out of sight.

Hello. It's been a while since i wrote something. Hope that y'all are doing well. Take care and enjoy reading


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