chapter 2

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chapter 2

    Cen Jinglan was obviously bewildered by Yun Jing's inconsistent attitude. He saw that she was holding his hand tightly, and he hesitated.

    "Can you sit down and talk?" Yun Jing pretended not to know if he didn't break free.

    Cen Jinglan still sat down, glanced at her hand again, and asked, "What do you mean?"

    Yun Jing felt like a female hooligan at the moment, but she had just been reborn, and many rules were still unclear, so she was able to follow them with great difficulty. She did not dare to let go of her own mind.

    "You also know that my grandfather is not in good health and wants to see me get married soon." Yun Jing said tentatively.

    The marriage contract between her and Cen Jinglan was made by her grandfather.

    Yunjing's parents divorced when she was very young, and then each had a new love. She was redundant wherever she was, so her grandparents took her to the country and lived with them.

    At that time, Cen Jinglan was in poor health, and he was also recuperating in the countryside with his grandfather. The two families happened to be neighbors.

    Cen Jinglan is five years older than Yun Jing. Children don't like to play with their peers, so they admire children older than him. Yun Jing likes to stick to Cen Jinglan very much.

    Once, Yun Jing didn't remember what it was because she asked Cen Jinglan to help, but Cen Jinglan was reluctant at first. Yun Jing ran after Cen Jinglan for several laps in the village. In the end, Cen Jinglan was helpless and not only agreed to help, but also had to carry her tired running home.

    Grandpa Cen looked amused, *T joked with Grandpa Yunjing: "Do you think Xiaolan looks like he is raking his ears?"

    Yunjing lay on Cen Jinglan's back and asked curiously, "What? Is it raking ears?"

    "It's a man who is afraid of his daughter-in-law." Grandpa Cen joked with a smile, "Mirror, would you like to be a daughter-in-law to brother Lan?"

    "Okay." Yun Jing was still young at that time and didn't know what it meant to be shy. Holding Cen Jinglan in his arms, he said happily, "I'll be brother Lan's daughter-in-law, and brother Lan will be my ear raking."

    Speaking of which, their so-called engagement is really a bit of a joke.

    Just because she said so, Grandpa Cen and Grandpa casually made a marriage contract.

    Later, Cen Jinglan took care of her health, and she also wanted to go back to the city to go to school, so she separated.

    The two were not in the same city, Yun Jing and Cen Jinglan only met once in the countryside, and they had no interaction after that. As for the marriage contract, it is naturally voided by default.

    Until Yunjing graduated from University, her parents wanted her to marry, but they only considered their own interests, and their favorite candidates were not the same. Before Yun Jing could say anything, they quarreled first.

    Grandpa couldn't see, reminding her that she still had a marriage contract, and that Cen Jinglan didn't have a partner.

    Only then did Yun Jing know that her university and Cen Jinglan's company are in the same city.

    Although a little embarrassed, Yun Jing had always had a good impression of Cen Jinglan, so she agreed to Grandpa's suggestion and contacted him.

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