Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

    Yunjing slept well all night, woke up in the morning and felt a little headache, raised his hand and rubbed his head, everything that happened last night began to emerge in his mind.

    Cloud Mirror: ! ! !


    Is it time to be reborn now?

    She was about to be fooled to death by herself.

    It doesn't matter if you are greedy and drunk, what kind of strange operation is gag? Can't she just pretend to be asleep?

    Being embarrassed, there was a knock on the door outside.

    Yun Jing's body froze, and she just wanted to disappear immediately.

    "Mirror, are you awake?" Cen Jinglan's voice came.

    Yun Jing hesitated for a moment and did not answer.

    Cen Jinglan said, "Don't worry about you, I'll go in if you don't speak..."

    "Wake up." Yun Jing blurted out.

    Cen Jinglan outside the door probably sensed her embarrassment, paused, and said casually: "It's good to wake up, wash up and go downstairs for breakfast, we're going to see the wedding venue today."

    But the voice still leaked. A hint of a smile.

    But Yun Jing couldn't care about this anymore. She learned to design, and Cen Jinglan always said that she would consider her opinion on the layout of the wedding venue. She didn't want Cen Jinglan to worry about it alone. They had agreed with the venue and the wedding company before, and went to the venue today to discuss the preliminary plan.

    Yunjing didn't have the habit of letting others wait for her. Even if she was embarrassed, she would get up immediately, wash up quickly and go downstairs to eat.

    Cen Jinglan has gone downstairs and is talking to Aunt Fan.

    Hearing the voice, the two turned around and said hello to her calmly: "Good morning."

    Very good, they both gave face very much, and didn't mention the drunken incident last night.

    "Good morning." Yun Jing breathed a sigh of relief, sat down at the dining table, and found a bowl of soup beside him.

    It looks a bit like hangover soup.

    Yun Jing: "..."

    Fortunately, everything Aunt Fan made tasted good, even if the hangover soup was slightly sweet, she drank it as sugar water.

    After breakfast, Yun Jing and Cen Jinglan set off for the wedding venue.

    This is Cen's own private manor, which is semi-commercial in nature. Sometimes it is used to receive important guests, or lend it to partners, and occasionally lease it to certain brands for advertising or something... But all must have Special relationship can only be borrowed. Now, in order to prepare for the wedding of Cen Jinglan and Yunjing, the park has been completely closed, and it will not open until the wedding is over.

    The wedding team has proposed several plans, but the main processes are basically the same.

    The wedding begins with a brief introduction to the growth experience and love process of the two newcomers, and then the bride enters the venue, including the formal ceremony of exchanging rings and drinking glasses of wine, followed by the parents of both parties, followed by some relatives and friends. Time for friends to speak and perform.

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