Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    Cen Jinglan has a special small restaurant. If he doesn't go to the cafeteria, he often eats here with Xu Jinzhou and Ning Jie, and discusses work by the way.

    Therefore, when Yun Jing followed Cen Jinglan into his small restaurant, the secretary office didn't think about it at all. I just think that this girl is so powerful that she can defeat so many excellent competitors at a young age, and is favored by President Cen.

    They really admired it, because this girl walked by Mr. Cen's side without any stage fright. For this alone, she had already defeated most of the secretary's office.

    Although the secretary's office serves the board of directors, it usually contacts senior executives and visitors with extraordinary identities, but there are only two people who can really get close to Cen Jinglan.

    The others were really frightened, so they were quite happy to have a newcomer.

    Although Cen Jinglan's personal secretary and assistant have high salaries, most of them still know that they can't earn this money.

    In the small restaurant, Cen Jinglan opened the meals Xu Jinzhou bought one by one, and put a few boxes of them in front of Yunjing, they were all her favorites.

    This kind of understanding cannot be achieved in a day or two.

    It seems that he has indeed paid attention to her for a long time.

    Yun Jing was moved, but stood up to stop him: "President Cen, in the company, can we distinguish between public and private?"

    Cen Jinglan glanced at her, as if she didn't understand why she wanted to apply for a job in the company and said such a thing.

    "What I mean is, when you're working, you can just use me as a secretary. You can do whatever you want. If there's something wrong, you have to point it out." Yun Jing was afraid that he might misunderstand, and quickly added another sentence. , "However, the off-duty hours like this can still be indistinguishable."

    She came to the company for the company's good, but she didn't want to ruin the image of the company and Cen Jinglan because of herself.

    "Okay." Cen Jinglan thought for a while and accepted her proposal, "But I have a question."

    "You ask." Yun Jing looked at the meal he had distributed to her, feeling that she couldn't finish it. She unceremoniously put half of it into his lunch box, and then raised her eyes to look at him, "Is that okay?"

    Her eyes were very lively . Beautiful, watery, very clear, like crystal, people can't help but want to care.

    "Of course." Not only was Cen Jinglan not angry, but he was delighted by her unremarkable action, with a warm look in his eyes.

    Yun Jing returned his lunch box and reminded: "What question do you want to ask me?" Cen     Jinglan came back to his

    senses and asked, "Why do you want to be my secretary?"

Jing has long thought of a response: "You also know the situation in my family. I have not been liked by my parents since I was a child. Not only because I remind them of that failed marriage, but also because I am a girl. They all feel, Girls are useless, boys are the pillars of the family, and when they get old, they have to rely on their sons to support them. I tried very hard not to care about them, but some of the concepts I received when I was a child still have a great impact on a person. I always want to prove myself and let them know that I'm no worse than a boy. You're so good, I want to be by your side, learn something, and of course I'll try my best to do my job. If I don't do well, you You can fire me at any time. I promise that the public and private are absolutely clear, and it will not affect our relationship because of this."

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