Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    The next day, Yun Jing just woke up when she heard the doorbell ringing at home.

    She jumped out of bed, ran out barefoot and looked down, just when Aunt He opened the door and welcomed Cen Jinglan in.

    He was dressed very formally today, wearing a well-cut black couture suit, which made his wide shoulders and narrow waist more obvious. After sitting down on the sofa, his long legs seemed a bit meaningless.

    Yun Jing pursed her lips in joy and ran back briskly to wash up.

    To get a photo today, she picked a pure white shirt, paired it with jeans, and put on a knitted jacket before going downstairs after putting on makeup.

    Cen Jinglan raised his head when he heard the sound, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't take his eyes away.

    I have known Yunjing to be good-looking since I was a child, but what I saw in the past two days seems to be a little different.

    Yesterday she wore professional attire, and she had a neat and sassy look. Today, she dressed like this, full of youthful enthusiasm and vitality, and even made him feel a little old.

    "Good morning." Yun Jing walked over, sat beside him naturally, tilted her head and asked, "Didn't I get the certificate at noon? Why did I come here so early?"

    "I want to move the luggage there first." Cen Jinglan replied When he came to his senses, he looked at his grandfather, "Grandpa, will you live with us? Aunt He also came over, and I have already tidied up the room."

    Grandpa naturally refused to go, Cen Jinglan was still a little uneasy, and looked down at Yunjing.

    "Grandpa will definitely not leave before the wedding. He is afraid that my parents will find out." Yun Jing knew what Grandpa was thinking.

    Cen Jinglan understood and stopped persuading him, but said, "Then I will come back with the mirror to accompany you when you are on vacation."

    "What are you doing with me? Be a light bulb for both of you!" I liked him and said with a smile, "You two just go on a date during the holidays, don't be fooled!"

    Cen Jinglan: "..."

    Yun Jing: "..."

    "Okay, come and have breakfast." Aunt He smiled and said Help them out.

    After breakfast, Cen Jinglan went to help Yunjing carry the luggage.

    Yunjing didn't have many things, only two suitcases, which Cen Jinglan carried away with one hand.

    Yun Jing didn't fight him either, just held his coat and his own in his hands, and ran to the front to press the elevator.

    "Where is your car parked?" Yun Jing asked as he stepped back and gave Cen Jinglan a place to move, "The first floor or the underground garage?"

    "The first floor." .

    Only then did he notice that she had new nails.

    Before, her nails were pink and tender, and each finger was different, like overturned colored candy jam.

    The newly made nails are gradient color, from the nail root to the fingertips, the color is getting darker and darker, the color is a bit like light brown, but it may be because of the transparent gel in the nail polish, it looks like it is a little more powdery , with a translucent texture.

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