Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    Although they both realized that they were serious couples and that there was nothing wrong with such intimate contact, the couple still had little experience in this matter, and neither of them took the initiative to turn back and continue the unfinished business.

    After washing up in embarrassment and silence, the two couldn't wait to go downstairs.

    The staff are very dedicated and have already come over to sort out the wedding dress.

    Today, God is still giving face, the weather is good, they decided to change a few spots to shoot.

    Entering the shooting state, the two talents are freed from the discomfort.

    Cen Jinglan cooperated especially today, and the final shot was smoother than yesterday, and the effect was also very good.

    In the evening, the filming was completely over.

    The staff was preparing to evacuate, and Cen Jinglan also took Yunjing back to pack his luggage.

    "Are we going back to China now?" Yun Jing didn't expect him to be so anxious.

    "I won't go back, it's just that we have basically seen the scenic spots by the sea. Let's go to other places." Cen Jinglan said, "There is a music plaza in this town. I heard that it is very lively at night, so I will go to the town to stay tonight. "

    Have you been here before?" Yun Jing was a little curious, "How do you know so much about this place?"

    "The first time I came here, I read the guide online." Cen Jinglan thought about it, and then said, "So, if It's not as good-looking as you expected, don't be angry."

    "Am I the one who gets angry so easily..." Yun Jing paused in the middle of her words, "You didn't make a temporary strategy last night, right?"

    She vaguely I remember when I woke up last night, I saw Cen Jinglan looking at the computer. She glanced at it at the time, he seemed to be browsing the web, and there seemed to be pictures, but she didn't think about it at that time, and naturally didn't look at it.

    However, when it came to last night, both of them avoided their eyes for a while, thinking about the dream and the scene in the morning again.

    Cen Jinglan chose to default, and then changed the subject: "Let's go, go there for dinner early, there is a family meal over there *T hall is said to taste good."

    The two did not go to the hotel first, but drove the car directly to the vicinity of the Music Plaza and found a parking space to stop.

    There are a lot of people in the square, there are people playing various musical instruments, dancing, singing... It is indeed a music square, which is indeed lively and full of music.

    No one knew them here, and before Yun Jing took two steps, Cen Jinglan clasped his hands and clasped them together.

    Yun Jing glanced at him, moved his fingers, and slowed down.

    The two walked leisurely through the crowd, and a young man on roller skating suddenly jumped by the side. His movements seemed a bit reckless, and Cen Jinglan subconsciously took Yun Jing into his arms.

    The young man had run far away from where Yun Jing had stood just now, but Cen Jinglan had not let go.

    Yun Jing looked up at him, and in this noisy crowd, suddenly there was an urge to do something rebellious.

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