Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    After Yun Mingcheng and Du Yabei failed to do anything, Yun Youyou and Zhou Yishen didn't make any movement for the time being.

    Yun Jing has seriously thought about it, the current progress between the male and female protagonists is very fast, and the trend is still similar to the original book. However, other supporting roles and details, compared with the previous life, have been beyond recognition.

    Whether it was her parents or the people around Cen Jinglan, the factors that had the greatest and most direct impact on Cen's bankruptcy in her previous life have been eliminated one by one.

    Even if Zhou Yishen and Yun Youyou wanted to deal with Cen Jinglan, there were only two ways. Either Cen Jinglan is not afraid of competing in the business field in an upright manner; or it is to re-buy the people around them. Yunjing's information is now synchronized with them, and she knows who is suspicious, and the newcomer wants to get close to Cen. Surprise is not easy.

    What Yun Jing can think of, Zhou Yishen and Yun Youyou can naturally also think of.

    So they didn't make any further moves.

    On the contrary, He Xiaorou blocked Yun Jing, but she did not come to scold Yun Jing, nor did she disclose any other news.

    Yun Jing didn't pay much attention, she was very busy and nervous now, because the wedding day was getting closer.

    On May 20, Yunjing returned to her grandfather's house.

    Tomorrow morning, Cen Jinglan will come here to pick up the relatives.

    These days are so busy that Yunjing spends less time with her grandfather. Taking advantage of this day, she took her grandfather out for a walk and bought a lot of things. In the evening, she went to help in the kitchen, cooked a meal with Aunt He, and chatted with her grandfather for a long time after the meal.

    Until my grandfather was afraid that she would be in a bad state tomorrow and urged her to go to bed.

    Yun Jing didn't want her grandfather to stay up too long, so she reluctantly went to rest.

    Back in the bedroom, she wanted to send a video to Cen Jinglan to see him. The two of them are used to getting along day and night. When they separated suddenly, they were really uncomfortable, and they always felt that something was missing around them. However, after hesitating for a while, she still only sent a message. There are a lot of things on Cen Jinglan's side, and she is afraid that the two of them will talk endlessly, but they will delay things.

    Fragment of the mirror: [Is everything going well on your side? ]

    Cen Jinglan replied quickly: [Very smooth, you rest early and wait for me to pick you up tomorrow. 】

    Although he got the certificate before and moved to Cen Jinglan's place, Yun Jing didn't think that he separated from his grandfather. When she was working before, she was afraid of going home late and arguing with her grandfather to rest, and she was also afraid that he would be worried, so she rented a house outside and only went home on weekends, and there was not much difference in psychology.

    But the wedding is a formal ceremony, and this ceremony is equivalent to telling everyone that she will have a new home later. The grandfather's home is the mother's home.

    Although the relationship will not change, it is still a little sad.

    In fact, Cen Jinglan didn't say anything about the news, but she comforted her inexplicably.

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