CHP2-Trick or Treat, Freak!

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"VAL" STEVE YELLED. "Come on, or we'll be late!" He yelled, tapping his foot. "No, I don't wanna go to school, Steve." Val groaned. Val sighed, getting out of bed. She fucking hated mornings. It was Halloween though which she was excited about. She got ready for school, and went down stairs. "Finally!" Steve exclaimed. "Shut up," Val said. "Yeah, whatever," Steve mumbled.

The Harringtons got into Steve's car, and they were off. "What happens to your enthusiasm from yesterday?" Steve asked." Val gave him a confused look. "You thought that was enthusiasm?" She asked. "Okay, true." He sighed. "Is Nancy getting the bus today?" Val asked. Steve nodded.

STEVE PARKED HIS CAR, and Val jumped out the car. "Byeee! Steve, " Val said. In the distance, she saw Lucas, Mike, Will, and Dustin dressed as ghostbusters. Mike and Lucas were having an argument. She then saw Max, so she went up to her. "Max!" She said, smiling. "Val!" Max grinned. "Come on, let's go," Val said. But before the could go, Daisy pulled Val towards her. "I told you to stop hanging out with her." She whisperered. "I will. Like I told you, in a few days." She whispered back, breaking out of Daisy's grasp she and Max walked over to Max's locker. "God, I wish they could get a hobby and quit bugging me." Val rolled her eyes. Max smiled at her as they reached her locker.

Lucas and Dustin came over to them. "Hi, uh, Max and Val. I'm Dustin, and this is," Dustin said, jestering to Lucas. "Lucas," He said. Max crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, I know the stalkers," Max said, making Val chuckle. "Uh no," Lucas stuttered, "Actually, we weren't stalking you," He said. "No, we were just concerned because you're new," Dustin said, trying to come up with an excuse. "Yeah, yeah, for your safety." Lucas added.

"Definitely. There's a lot of bullies here," He began. "So many bullies, it's crazy," Lucas finished Dustin's sentence. "Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" Val asked grinning, she looked over at Max to see whether they were sharing the same expression, which they were. "Well, these don't function, but I do have this handy-dandy trap here," Dustin said. "Look, it even opens and closes," He said, smiling. "Look. Look.Look, Voila. It's pretty cool, right!? No, okay." Dustin asked. "No it's, so cool, Dustin." Val said, smiling.

"Okay, we were talking last night, and you're new here, and you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating, and you're scared of bullies. So we, we're thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." Dustin said, finally getting to the point. "Pro tip, if you're asking some to hang out, don't say they don't have any friends." she said, picking at her nails. "It'd be okay?" Max asked, looking unimpressed.

"Yeah!" Dustin said. "Our party's a democracy. The majority voted you two could come," He said. "I didn't realize it was such an honour to go trick or treating with you." Max said. "Yeah, I mean, we know where to get full-sized candy bars. We figured you guys would want in." Dustin said. "That's presumptuous of you." Max said and Val saw her friends eyes on her. "You see, I'd love to go. Really. I would. But I already made plans with my friends." Val said. "But you should definitely go. Maybe i'll meet up with you guys if my friends get bored." Val said, pointing at Max before walking over to her friends.

"We're meeting at mine at seven," Daisy said as soon as Val got there. "Got it." Val nodded. "We start trick or treating early. We get all the good candy." Ivy said. "Yes. I need M&Ms." Lily dragged out the 'need'. "And I need Three Musketeers." Lottie said, closing her locker.

IT WAS NOW EVENING, and Val had put on her Scarecrow costume and hopped into Steve's car .  Steve was driving Val to Daisy's house. "Thought i told you to ditch these douchebags?" Steve asked. Val rolled her eyes. "Not an answer. " he pointed out. "They're nice!" Val said as Steve pulled up. "Have fun!" Steve said as Val shut the door. Val walked up to Daisy's door, and she knocked on it. The Robertson girl answered and jumped back. "Val! Oh my god, your costume looks amazing!" She yelled. Val smiled at the girl's costume.  "So does yours!" yelled with a fake smile plastered onto her face.

THE GIRLS HADNT BEEN trick or treating for very long when they saw Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Max walking together and laughing. Val's fake smile dropped. "You good Harrington?" Ivy asked.The Party's heads turned to see their friend hanging out with the popular girls."Hey,"I heard we should hit up Loch Nora , that's where all the rich people live!"  She heard Max say. "Val." Ivy shook the girl.  "Huh? Oh, sorry." She muttered. 

"Oh, my god! I know why you're hanging out with that nerd!" Daisy laughed. "It's because you're in love with her." She said. "What?" Val asked. "You're in love with her. You like girls. You're a lesbian, " she laughed. "I mean, you're the one who asked to practise kissing on me, so if anyones the lesbian it's you!" Val shot back. "Think that was the other way round hun." The brunette laughed. "Really? So you don't remember begging me to make out with you?" Val said. "Stay away from me, okay. I don't wanna be around someone who's practically in love with me." Val snapped. She turned around, and the party stared at her. "The fuck you looking at?" She yelled before flipping them off and walking home.

"Steve!" She yelled to which she got no answer. She sat down on the couch, and put the TV on. Around 10:30 she heard the door open.  "Steve! there you are-" Val said rushing to her brother.  "Hey what happened?" Val asked.  "Nance and I broke up, she never loved me its all bullshit, bullshit" He sniffed. "Hey, Hey listen, your gonna be alright. You don't need Nancy alright! You're a great guy, and if she can't see that, then it's her loss." Val attempted to hype her brother up. "Thanks, Val." He thanked his sister. "Hey, that's what I'm here for." she pulled him in for a hug. "Alright, I'm gonna go to bed, see you in the morning." Val said before heading upstairs.

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