Chapter 3

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Harry looked down at the huge pile of laundry he'd dumped onto his bed in his rush before work, telling himself he'd sort through it when he returned home. He could've relied on the flick of his wand to manage the task yet he often found that as convenient as magic was, his socks would end up in with his shirts, away from their respective pairs, in the wrong drawers. It was easier to do it himself.

Now he had regrets.

He groaned and slumped down onto the bed beside it, crashing onto his back, and staring up at the ceiling. Who'd have thought that the saviour of the wizarding world, The Chosen One, would still suffer at the hands of things like laundry? Maybe this was where Malfoy could come in handy. A little sweet-talking into helping him with chores, not that he even knew how to sweet-talk someone like Malfoy.

He sighed and pushed up to sit. A large chunk of the pile was taken up by bedsheets and pillowcases, if he put them away, that would be half the load done already, that was a start.

He pulled the duvet cover and cases out from the heap and balled them up in his arms, these were the ones he'd dug out of the cupboard for Malfoy's room before his arrival, but they were dusty from years of no use so he thought a freshen up would be needed, not that he cared about acting as host of him anyway, and not that Malfoy would even notice if he did.

He approached Malfoy's bedroom and knocked cautiously on the door, no answer.

"Malfoy? I've got some clean bedsheets here..."


"Look, you don't have to fit them on your bed if you don't want them but they belong in the chest of drawers anyway, so..."

Still nothing.

He sighed and tried the doorknob, it clicked open, so he pressed forward, entering Malfoy's room.

It was empty, he must have slipped out of the house while Harry was in the shower. The room looked exactly as he'd left it a week ago, Harry felt a twinge of guilt realising Malfoy only came with himself, a handful of clothes and a few books.

He didn't fancy the idea of stripping his bedding and replacing it, after all, he wasn't the maid, so instead, he placed the folded sheets down on the duvet with the intention of telling Malfoy about them later on.

It was only as he turned to leave, something out of place peeping from underneath the pillow caught his eye.

It was a magazine.

Harry thought nothing much of it. A man and a woman were on the front cover, underneath the title 'THIRST."

"Thirst?" Harry whispered to himself, "What even is this?"

He flicked the pages open in his palm and looked down at the sight of two women in clad bikinis, one kneeling on the floor with her legs spread, the other crouching behind, nibbling on her ear. Both were wearing expressions of arousal, their bodies ridiculously airbrushed and exposed.

Harry gasped under his breath realising what he was holding.

He turned the page and stifled a moan. The next image was far more explicit, showing in intimate detail a man bent over the lap of another man, exposing his backside to the camera. Both men were fully naked and had looks of pleasure on their faces, the dominant man's hand gripped into the hair of the other, holding him in place while his other arm was swinging a leather paddle.

Harry's cock twitched with arousal at the scene before him and he slammed the magazine closed, sliding it firmly back under the pillow before hastily leaving the room.

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