Chapter 7

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Days had passed since Draco's broken nose incident and things had returned to normal - for Harry anyway. The atmosphere in the house was pleasant, there was no bickering or nasty looks, and best of all, no more silence. Draco spent more time in the garden and occasionally Harry even saw him making himself breakfast or a small snack.

Draco seemed slightly brighter too, more open to conversation and even when he returned from his client visits, he often slept or lost himself in a good book. Harry still hated what Draco did because of the pain it caused him, but in order to keep the peace between them, he had to stay supportive, and supportive meant being quiet on the matter.

In Harry's mind, things had settled, and Draco was getting by fine.

Ignorance was bliss.


Draco placed the metal blade onto the bedside table and scrunched his eyes shut. The pain was worse this time, the blood streamed from the moment he made contact and it didn't stop.

He pressed the palm of his hand against the cut, hissing at the contact and applied pressure. His breaths were shaky, his hands trembling, everything felt very cold despite the sun beaming through his bedroom window.

Slowly, inhale, then exhale, then inhale again, and breathe, just breathe. That's all he did.

The pain seared against his thigh but it was welcomed. Everything centred to the cut, to the pain that he could control, the pain that he deserved to be feeling.

One day my flesh will be so tainted with scars that no one will want my body. I deserve this.

Just for a moment, his mind was at ease. The bleeding from his leg was physical and it stung beyond belief but it overwhelmed any of the hurt that festered deep down inside.

The sound of footsteps ascending the stairs alerted him to Harry's presence. He tucked the razor blade under a book, composed himself and wiped away the tears welling in the corners of his eyes. He wouldn't allow himself the weakness of crying today, he had to stay strong because after all, he deserved this.

"Draco? Are you awake?" Harry called quietly from outside the door, accompanied by a gentle knock.

Draco swallowed and steadied his shaky voice, "I'll be out in a second."

"I'm cooking dinner in a minute, just wondered if maybe you wanted to join me... seeing as I'm finally home for a change and not drinking myself silly at Hudson's."

After a lengthy silence, where Harry feared he was once again being ignored, Draco answered. "Okay."

"Alright... um... cool." Harry nodded to himself and turned on his heel, returning to the kitchen.

Draco let out a ragged sigh and slumped against the side of the bed with his head in his hands. An evening with Harry didn't exactly sound like fun but then neither did another night alone in his bedroom. Perhaps the company would distract him from the growing pain he felt, both mentally and physically.


"Didn't wake you from a nap, did I?" Harry asked, stirring a pot of sauce that was simmering gently on the stove as Draco slipped into a seat at the table.

"No," Draco responded, pulling the sleeves of his jumper over his hands. The pain in his leg was throbbing and he'd used his wand to stop any further bleeding but he tried with every effort to remain unaffected by it.

"Good. I'm making a chicken and leek pie for dinner, with vegetables. Hope that's alright?"

Draco's stomach sank at the idea of food but he buried the feeling. "Fine. Another Weasley recipe?"

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