Chapter 17

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Harry opened his eyes gently to the beam of sunshine coming through the crack in the curtains. Dust particles floated in the air around it, giving a subtle early morning glow to the room that was still waking up.

It was a beautiful morning, the sort of day that was trying to prove that Spring really was on its way. The skies were clear blue, the sun low in the sky over the chimneys of the London houses that were still sleeping quietly. It was misleading, the sort of weather that looked warm and inviting, but in reality was still bitingly cold, the crisp March air still nipping at the tip of your nose.

Harry could've sworn he'd closed his eyes only moments ago, when the stars were shining bright, but here he was, waking up wrapped up under the gorgeous warmth of the bedding, with Draco sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He couldn't help smiling to himself in awe of the perfection that lay before him. Draco's lashes were soft as silk, his cheek pressed against Harry's shoulder, platinum hair splayed out against Harry's dark complexion. Soft breaths tickled the skin on his arms as Draco stirred slightly and pulled himself closer into the sanctity that was Harry.

As he slept, Harry watched in pure admiration, adoring every feature, every whisper of movement, every heartbeat from the soul he cherished so deeply, residing in his arms.

Draco's arm was outstretched to the side of them both. Harry softly stroked it and felt a sadness tug inside seeing the faded scars on Draco's forearm and wrist, his dark mark defaced. The tip of Harry's index finger slowly traced over the line where the incision was once made, the cut that almost stole Draco away from him. It hurt him, he wasn't going to pretend that it didn't, but he pulled Draco a little closer, grateful that he was safe in his embrace and healing.

Draco shifted a little, a smile ghosting his face as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I dreaming?" Draco breathed, squinting at the daylight invading his vision.

"Depends," Harry whispered, "Is this a good dream?"

"I've had worse,"

Harry laced his fingers through Draco's hair and pulled him into a kiss, so loving and tender, that Draco felt his mind melt to nothing, the good kind of nothing, the kind of nothing where fear and pain no longer existed, only bliss. Their lips met over and over, tongues and teeth and hot wanting breaths. Harry twisted his fingers further into the strands of blonde and slipped his other arm around Draco's waist, and Draco wrapped himself into Harry's warmth.

Draco had never felt such peace. Harry's touch through his hair was perfection, the gentle rise and fall of their chests panting with a need for one another, their hearts beating in unison. Nothing could hurt him from there, not enough painful memories in the world would be able to penetrate the barrier of Harry's protection around him. He was safe. He was home.

Harry's lips pulled away and Draco collapsed beside him, both of them wrapped up in each other's arms, sharing the same pillow. Draco's head would tilt occasionally and the glint of morning sunlight would glow across his face, his striking silver eyes round and full of desire, soothed by Harry's affection. He kissed him again, he had to, how could he not? Draco was at his mercy, sunken into the sheets with an ethereal glow around him, his cheeks tinted pink and his lips constantly parted slightly in awe of Harry's perfection.

They broke apart, regaining breaths and Draco smiled sleepily at the stroke of Harry's thumb across his cheek, "I'm sorry I made you wait so long for this--"

"-Hey, no apologising, alright? We took things slow for a reason, Draco. I was never going to rush you, not after everything you've been through, and besides-" he laced his fingers through the back of Draco's hair and pulled him onto his lips in a soft but passionate kiss, "you're worth the wait."

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