Chapter 13

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** trigger warning for this chapter, please check the tags and only read if comfortable**


"Hi." Harry breathed, appearing at the living room doorway to find Draco already dressed, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

"Morning," Draco smiled, his chest suddenly tightening with nerves seeing Harry leaning against the doorframe, his work clothes and careless hair making him effortlessly handsome.

They lingered on one another for a while, neither of them quite knowing what to say next. Harry wondered if Draco was going to mention any of the events of the night before and Draco was unsure whether Harry knew that they'd still been holding hands when he woke up this morning.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but faltered, scared that addressing the situation would make Draco retreat. Though he wasn't entirely sure why, he liked holding Draco's hand. It helped him to sleep, it made him feel needed.

"Did you sleep alright, y'know, after..."

"I did." Draco cut in, pressing his lips, embarrassed at the memory of breaking down in front of him the night before.

"Good," Harry nodded, unsure of where to place his gaze, "Good." Both of them were trying to push down their smiles.

He wandered into the living room and fussed with the pile of books on the coffee table, putting one of the ministry textbooks into his bag. Draco returned to staring out the window at the early autumn morning, blue skies tried to peep through the cluster of clouds that had grown thicker through the coming weeks. The flowers in the pots were standing on their last legs and the leaves on the acer tree were beginning to melt into their vibrant shade of red.

"Any plans for today?" Harry asked, and when he finally looked across at Draco, who had been hesitant to answer, he noticed the warmth had faded from his smile.

"I have to see a client today," Draco uttered, his voice laced with dread

"What? I thought you weren't doing that anymore?"

"Since when?"

"Since... well, you know," Harry gestured, trying not to spell it out to avoid further pain, "I thought that was one of the reasons for your... attempt." he cringed as soon as he said it, but Draco let it pass

"I still have to make money, especially if you want me to contribute around here."

Harry huffed and shook his head, "Well, sure it's nice when you help out with things but not at the expense of your health, Draco. You need to stop."

"I can't just stop."

"Yes you can, just stop seeing these people. Tell them you're done."

"And then what?"

"I don't know," he threw his hands up, "I'll help you find a different job."

"Harry, you know the reason I do what I do is because I can't get any other job. I'm forbidden from working with muggles and no wizarding folk will come within ten feet of me."

"Well, we can figure something out, please Draco, you can't do this to yourself anymore." Harry said, Draco shook his head and returned to looking out of the window, "I'm not trying to control you, I'm looking out for you. These people are damaging your well-being to the point that you attempted suicide." the words rung out across the room like acid, and Draco winced inside at the memory.

"I don't have a choice, Harry."

"Yes, you do. Let me help you."

"I don't--"

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