Chapter 11

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The best way to distract himself from the barrage of emotional torment he'd been feeling all week was to dive back into his auror textbooks. Harry had neglected a fair amount of work and was in no frame of mind to be studying during Draco's period of absence. But now he was home and, thankfully, safe and sound napping in his bedroom, Harry dug out his quills and parchment and spread them across the table in an attempt to study, despite his mind being stuck on one thing and one thing only.

When he'd finally managed to make a small dent in some of his work, Draco made an appearance from his afternoon nap, wandering timidly into the kitchen. It was around four o'clock and the sun shining through the window filled the room with a hazy warmth, casting a faint orange glow across the room.

After opening and closing the fourth cupboard, with little luck at finding a snack, Draco turned to Harry and slumped against the kitchen counter, still tired and groggy. "Harry, you're aware there's no food in the house, right?"

"Oh yeah, I may have sort of forgotten about grocery shopping this week."

"You forgot?" Draco moaned, rubbing his eyes to wake up more. "What have you been doing all week?"

Harry slowly drew his gaze from the table up to Draco, tongue in cheek, unamused. Draco realised what he'd said as it slipped from his mouth and smiled awkwardly, cringing inside, "Right, sorry, I suppose milk and bread weren't priorities for you."

Harry gave a fairly sarcastic thumbs up and turned back to his papers, "I'll go tomorrow, okay? It's not like you to complain, you rarely touch any of the food I buy anyway, you're never usually hungry."

"What can I say? Hospital food was downright frightful, I'm hungrier than usual," Draco explained, plucking out a questionable, half-broken digestive from the bottom of the biscuit jar. "I suppose that'll do." he took a small nibble from the corner and sauntered back towards the door but Harry stopped him in his tracks.

"Wait, I was thinking maybe we could order a pizza tonight and hang out? I've barely eaten a thing this week myself and if I'm being honest I could use the company, even if you are still mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you."

"Really?" Harry cocked his brow in disbelief, "You seemed pretty set on going through with your plans until I 'interfered', as you so kindly put it."

Draco scoffed under his breath, dropping his head back, but he could sense the tone of surrender in Harry's voice. Harry wasn't angry anymore, if anything, he was trying to lighten the whole thing.

He felt the corner of his lips tug a little, "As annoying as you are, Harry, no, I'm not mad at you. Besides, don't you have better friends to do that sort of thing with?"

"Well yes, but--" Harry faltered, not exactly wanting to be the first one to admit that he liked Draco's company, "I just thought... I dunno..."

"Please stop stuttering, I suppose socialising beats lying alone in my bedroom for another night."

"And the pizza?"

"Pizza?" Draco repeated, his brows knitting with uncertainty.

"Yeah, I'll order in. We could share one, you know, if you only want a slice or two."

Draco considered for a moment, and Harry noted how simple thoughts like takeaway took far more mental deliberation for Draco given his eating habits. If they were sharing then at least Draco wouldn't have the guilt of food going to waste as he knew Harry would finish it off. He was hungrier than usual, and a small part of him figured he owed it to Harry after being responsible for his horrible week. "Alright, as long as there's no pineapple on it."

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