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it's raining outside and I'm here chained to the bed by two lovesick boys for past week they kidnapped me and kept in a small yet a cosy house gosh I hate them so much ''Y-Y/n'' said jimin while coming in the room ''What'' I replied ''Dinner is ready pls come eat with us'' he said ''No I am not hungry now get lost'' I replied with a harsh tone ''Pls love you haven't ate anything since yesterday day'' ''I said no'' he took a deep breath and left after a while junkook came in '' babybun eat you food or you will be starved to death'' he said ''I don't care dying is way better than staying here with you guys'' I replied he didn't said anything just came towards me removed all the chains grabbed my hand and started dragging towards the dinning table'' Let go of me'' I said struggle ''Pls I don't wanna eat let me die pls'' tears started coming out my eyes ''pls...'' I said sobbing junkook stopped and looked at me ''Y/n...why don't understand we LOVE you'' I was still sobbing while sitting on the ground then jimin came ''Omo what happened baby are okay'' he asked ''DO I FUCKING LOOK OK TO YOU'' I said with pure anger ''love pls don't shout your making us angry'' said jimin suddenly I feel pain in my neck and everything went black


I woke up around 5-00 in the morning since I was hungry but I don't wanna tell these two I sneakily went to kitchen there was fruit basket on dinning table so took one apple and ate it but instead of going back to bed I went towards the front door to see if it's open or not and....it was not opened...''cupcake what are you doing'' turned around and saw jungkook ''oh nothing I was just going to the bathroom'' I lied ''but that's main door'' he replied ''oops I forgot the way I'm sorry'' I replied with fake smile ''It's okay babybun let's go back to the bed'' he grabbed my hand went towards the bedroom....stupid's....these guys are really delusion ....maybe I should try this again but tomorrow....

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