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No One's POV

''Darling'' he started ''I just wanted us to be happy, I had to kill them'' that was his only explanation after killing your dear friends ''Had? you had to?'' you said tears streaming down your face ''Yes darling I-'' he said coming towards you ''Don't you move any closer to me!'' you yelled he paused looking down ''Please I...I had to'' his voice broke ''I did this for you...for us'' he sobbed ''Are Kidding me??'' you were confused ''I lost my friends and you are the one who is crying?'' you wanted to get revenge but since he has a upper hand on you at this moment you can't do anything so you must patiently wait for your turn.

Taking a deep breath wiping your tears and putting on a fake small smile you went towards him ''Fine, I forgive you'' you tired to soften your voice ''Really?'' he looked up with light in his eyes a part of you felt bad for him but NO you must get your revenge ''Hmm...'' you hummed ''I love you'' he hugged you ''I love you too'' you said hiding the disgust in your tone

Day 367

After a year of acting lovey dovey you can finally breathe in peace, tonight was the night you end it all you might feel bad but it'll be worth it grabbing the knife from the kitchen you went towards bedroom you pushed the door open and saw him sleeping peacefully, guilt was starting to built up in your body clenching the knife in your hand you stalk next to him placed the knife near his neck you were shaking you didn't had a courage to kill him...you don't know why? tears began to fall down your face suddenly he woke up and saw a knife against his neck ''Y/n what on earth are you doing??'' his voice was shaking '' Darling we can talk please put the knife away'' his hand grabbed your hand snatching the knife he threw it across the room and sat up on the bed he pulled you in a hug you were crying in a mess for some reason you can't kill him maybe you had fallen in love with him? ''Shh.. Darling it's okay I'm here for you'' he hummed caressing your hair 'No I don't love him....Or Do I?'

Thank you for Reading♡

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