chapter 7

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Jungkook returned to the studio 2 days later. They didn't see eye to eye but they talked about drawing as usual. Like a student and a teacher. 

When it was time to lock up the studio, Jungkook helped Taehyung clean up.

'There's no need to help me out, this atmosphere is unbearable' Taehyung thought.

"Why?" Taehyung started. "Why do you have to keep bothering me?" he yelled out in frustration.

"What?" Jungkook turned around.

"I don't care what you think about me, but if you hate me that much...Just why do you have to keep showing up in front of me?"

Jungkook scoffed, "You really don't have any idea?" he walked towards Taehyung, cornering him against a wall, "Why I started drawing even if I wasn't intrested in it and why I keep coming back to the studio?"

"How would I know!?" Taehyung yelled but deep down he was nervous. 

"Then, I'll let you know" Jungkook leaned in and pressed his lips on Taehyung's. It lasted only a couple of seconds before he pulled away and dazed into Taehyung's wide eyes, "Now, do you know for sure?"

When Taehyung didn't reply, Jungkook continued, "Don't look so surprised. The moment I asked you to let me come into your studio, I'm sure you knew why." he let Taehyung stand there and walked out of the studio.




Days passed in a blur and Jungkook stopped going to the studio. 

"Mr.Kim, did Jungkook quit?" Aera asked Taehyung. 

"I'm not sure" Taehyung replied looking at the seat by the window which Jungkook preffered, "He may be busy with exams"

Was it because of exams or was it because of him? Taehyung couldn't choose.


 "Duuuuudeeee! exams are finally over! we should all get drunk!" Jimin chirped as he walked with Jungkook and the rest of his friends. "What about you Jungkook-ah? Are you going to the studio?" after the little incident in the studio, Jimin learned about Jungkook's feelings towards Taehyung. 

"Says who?" Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I'm going to get drunk too!"

"For a while I thought you were going to switch your degree" Jimin said.

"Just what am I gonna do by majoring in Drawing?" Jungkook sighed, "I did it so I could stay by his side"

"Will you go back?"

Jungkook looked up at the sky, "Even with my hopeless expectations then, going there was something I really looked forward to." he sighed again, "Even though I know, better that anyone does, that it will end in vain."

'The problem is, I like him too much'




A couple of hours later as Jungkook was getting drunk, his phone rang. 

It was Taehyung.

Taehyung was calling him?

He picked it up, "Hyung?"

"Jungkook." Taehyung's voice was professional, "Just how long are you planning to ditch the class? Why not file a proper leave of abscene? If you don't show up for 3 weeks straight without explanation, I would have to Remove your name from the Class"


"Also the other students keep asking for you..also there's a art exhibition on 34th street--"

"hyung" Jungkook cut him off, "I don't understand how you can simply dismiss it like it's nothing."

Taehyung stayed silent for a couple of seconds and spoke, "I adore you Jungkook-ah. You are the precious little brother that I never had. I don't want us to be distant with each other ever again." he took a breath, "Meeting up, eating out, drinking together--let's do those things that normal brothers do. -----like when we were younger."

Jungkook couldn't control the tears that streamed down his face, "Taehyung hyung.... I can't do that." 

He cut the call and covered his face hoping no one would see, no one would notice how broken he was.




Taehyung felt uneasy as he was driving, he was lost in his thoughts. 

Lately, he kept having these dreams, in which Eun-ha came back, and that they were back together like nothing went wrong...but the weird thing about those dreams is that Taehyung always ends up alone, always on his own, crying in the empty room...over and over again. 

He didn't want to drive home, he drove to the place where he knew he would get comfort.

He knocked on the door and waited for the response. 

"Long time no see" Yoongi opened the door.

"What brought you here? you came without calling first?"

"I brought alcohol" Taehyung let himself in.

"You can't handle alcohol very well" Yoongi replied. He took Taehyung's chin in his hand, "Did something happen? you don't look too good."

"It's just...." Taehyung leaned into his touch, "I want to be distracted."

An hour later Taehyung's phone which was on top of his discarded clothes dinged

It dinged once..

It dinged twice...

It dinged again..

"Who is it?" Yoongi mumbled inbetween kisses.

"I don't know. Focus on me." Taehyung pulled him back.

The messages were from Jungkook.

I'm sorry hyung. 

I was drunk. I thought about what you said. You're right. I'll stop bothering.

Can I still come and see you?

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