chapter 8

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1 more week passed~

Taehyung locked up the studio and walked out, he was thinking about Jungkook, he hadn't seen him or heard from him after the phone call...maybe it was for the best, he thought.

The elevator door opened and none other than Jungkook walked out.


Why did you have to come back?

Taehyung thought.

"no one's here. Class is over, you showed up late" Taehyung said. "I thought you won't be coming."

"It's your birthday hyung. Happy birthday" Jungkook smiled.

"Thank you"

"Do you remember hyung? Because your birthday was aroung chirstmas and new years, somehow you never felt that you're being celebrated enough. So every year, I always save up a few months before just to I can give you 3 presents. Did you know that?"

"I do" Taehyung gave him a warm smile, "I felt sorry whenever I remember how some kid used his pocket money to buy me my favourite CDs."

"It didn't really matter to me" Jungkook replied, "whomever you like and whomever you date. Afterall, I already witnessed you getting married, so what's the big deal." he continued, "Even if you only see me as a kid...I was okay with it"

Taehyung felt sorry. 

"It's just that" Jungkook said with a sad smile, "Being with you just like before is already enough to make me's also exhausting. There's nothing I can do about that...s-so-" he finally looked into Taehyung's eyes, "I'm really sorry for those harsh workds I told you that time. "

"It's okay." Taehyung patted his shoulder, "your feelings..starting from your confession a couple of years ago..I couldn't get it out of my mind. I just pretended not to understant what you said then. But I do cherish you--"


"Let me ask you one thing" Taehyung sat on the stairs. "Since when?"

"Since when?"Jungkook smiled reminiscing the past, "I'd like to know that were already my everything before I realized what it really means to like someone...I know I'm just like a younger brother to know, I can't even remember my childhood memories without including you in it? There's not a single memory of me not ever liking you." he looked at Taehyung, "your face, your voice, your hair, your warmth and your cold hands when you hug me..."

Taehyung was listening intently.

"Liking you felt very natural for me. I care for you--a lot." Jungkook said, his heart beating very fast.

"I care for you too--you were always with me, following me around like a bro--"

"Can you stop!?" Jungkook almost yelled, "can you please stop thinking of us like that!?" he kneeled in front of Taehyung who was sitting in the stairs, he rested his hands on the older's thighs, "Just please look at me---The ME who is in front of you...I'm begging you..." Tears flowed out of his eyes easily, "taehyung hyung I like you...I like you...I like you" he rested his head on Taehyung's knees. 

Taehyung touched Jungkook's face, making him look at him, "That's not the romantic love Jungkook-ah, you are just confused."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm not confused hyung"

"Can you even have sex with me? with a man? you never thought about it right?

Jungkook leaned in and kissed Taehyung with trembling lips, this time the kiss was deep, like he was using it to convey his feelings. He pulled away, "How is it? I can do more than that. I want to."

"If we do it, It will be the point of no return for you and me, are you going to be okay with that?" Taehyung asked, his face concealing his emotions. "Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment but nodded his head, "I can do it."

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