baby brother?

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Never ending cycle of hate because of the blindness to see peace

itsuki pov ( 4 years old)

i was training with shisui, he and i have gotten really close after we first met, we were always there for each other. he would tell me his problem, like family problem, and i always help him out which he was grateful for. he the only who saw me without my mask including my parents.

 "hey shisui"i asked, "hm?" he responded, "what is life?". he stopped at what he was doing and thought. " well my opinion is that life is when you want to live for someone or something and achieve big and be happy and to make a good change no matter what it takes!" he said with determination in his eyes. i nodded, "i guess i will live for you and make peace in konoha".  i went hugged him in behind and put my head at the crook of his neck , he tensed but calmed down. "is there something bothering you?" he asked, i sighed , "yeah, kaa-san's belly has been getting bigger and more swollen, im worried, what happening to her...." i told him .  he then bursted out laughing, "what? so funny" i asked tilting my head. "she pregnant she having a baby!" he bursted out. i then stood there dumbfounded after i procced what just happened i crossed my arms and pouted. i stared at the laughing figure, he looks cute when he laughs,- wait what i'm i thinking!

Shisui pov (4 years old)

i was training with itsuki, she and me have been extremely close, shes always there for me. i really liked her. and she was really beautiful, no wonder she has so much fanboys, an im always  there to save her. she wears a mask to prevent the boys from being more possessive, but i'm one of the few people who seen her face, she comfortable not wearing it with me because i not crazy like her fanboys, and we are close. AND I GUARANTEE YOU THAT SHE SOO GRATEFUL IM NOT LIKE HER FANBOYS.

"hey shisui" She asked, "hm?" i responded, "what does life mean?". i stopped at what i was doing and thought. " well my opinion is that life is when you want to live for someone or something and achieve big and be happy and to make a good change no matter what it takes!" i said with determination in my eyes. she nodded, "i guess i will live for you and make peace in konoha". that really made me blush, to live for me that really touching, no one ever said that as i anime cried inside.   

she then disappeared and hugged me from behind and put her head a the crook of my neck i tensed but calmed down, i  blushed immensely at what she did, depending on her odd behavior i concluded that she has something on her mind. "is there something bothering you?" i asked her, "yeah, kaa-san's belly has been getting bigger and more swollen, im worried, what happening to her...."  she said quietly. i bursted out laughing, "what? so funny" she asked tilting her head. "she pregnant she having a baby!" i bursted out still laughing uncontrollably while she  stood there dumbfounded. 

(timeskip brought to you by lazy author)

after training itsuki and i did a coin flip to see whose gonna drop who home, and it was heads so she gonna drop me home. i really wanted to drop her home today but i didn't complain because i like her dropping me off home... she shunshined to my home i bided her a goodbye..









itsuki's pov

i have managed to get back home without the fanboys  trying to crush me,.        i greeted the guards as they greeted back, and i arrived home.

"i am home, kaa-san, tou-san?" i shouted slightly, 'hmm' i thought 'kaa-san should be home by now, maybe she went to get groceries ?. no, couldn't have i bought them yesterday.....' i was wondering as i got off my shoes and walked in.. 


i jumped startled, i took out my kunai and pointed to where the sound came from.

it was kaa-san. "ahh, kaa-san you startled me" i exclaimed as i put my kunai back. "gomen gomen, welcome home, how was training?" she asked quite excitedly if i could say. "good as usual, you seem quite excited, is there something you want to tell me?" i asked, "well there is actually..." i waited patiently for her to go on... "your gonna be a big sister!!" she shouted. i perked up, "wow, shisui was right!!!, really, is it a boy or girl?" i almost bursted out.

"it a boy!" she responded excitedly, i always wanted a sibling, this was a dream come true, and another reason to live for....


(timeskip brought to you by lazy author-sama)

i finished dinner and helped kaa-san wash the dish, she soon fell on the ground, "AHH MY WATER BROKE, ITSUKI CALL YOUR DAD...AHHHH" she screamed, i rushed to get tou-san, i barged into his office, "ITSUKI, where are your manners" he scolded, i didn't have time to answer that, "kaa-san said something about her water breakiing or something she told me to call you" i yelled not bothering to answer him. he was shocked i dragged me to kaa-san and went to the hosipital i panicked, a rush of thought wavered around me 'what does she mean her water broke? she has water inside her that can break? is it a seal? whats water breaking, can water even break?' i thoughted. "otou-san.... is she gonna be okay?" i worriedly asked him, "yes honey, you did a good job coming to me soon as possible, i'm proud of you" he responded i calmed down a bit and tapped my foot impaitiently as i heard screams coming from the room she was in... then a nurse came. "the baby is here, fugaku-sama, you can come in" she said. we rushed in and then i saw 






my baby brother, he was a blessing god has given  me, if god was even real....

i will protect him and give him everthing he want and need, my eyes glowed of love and determination. 

noones pov

mikoto saw the look in her daughters eyes the look of finding something to protect and love. she smiled at that knowing her daughter will take care of her son....

" would you like to name him, ituski?"

"yes please, he will be named, Itachi uchiha"













"those who do not understand pain, will never understand peace"

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