mission with team minato

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what everyone is born with but will learn the reason behind it later











(i want to make something clear, remebere about the mask kakashi gave her pretend he was 12, becasue this is his team and he isn't in the anbu yet, and she's 6, and she's an low jouin, but her rank is chuin)











minato's pov

"hello, my cute genin, ready for our new teamate?" i asked them, only rin nodded, obito and kakashi, is too busy bickering none stop,




we all turned to the sound, itsuki was here, instead of the fox mask she wear a similar mask to kakashi, 

        "ah, itsuki, your just on time,"i said, "hello, minato-nii, kashi-nii, and obi-nii, and who may you be?" she asks, facing rin, "HIII, i'm rin, finally a girl on our team, we should sooo become besties!!!!" rin started blabbering about all the thing they could do together, as itsuki just listened, then obito pulled her close, "itsu- ototo, your already a chuin!!, good job, ahaha bakashii, you probably don't have a cousin as cool as mine,ohh why are you wearing a similar mask to him?" he asked while ruffling her hair and grinning, "kakashi-nii gave it too me for the fanboys, to be less weird, and nice to meet you rin-nii, thanking you for being my friend" itsuki bowed slightly, hah still polite as always, "haha, itsuki, drop the formalities, and we are going on a mission to catch "TORA the cat" meet me at 2 dont be late" i said looking at obito, as he just nodded. bided them a goodbye and shunshined away... cause kushina get scary when i 'm late....

nones pov

      there was awkard silence beteween the group, kakashi, not wanting to talk, obito, not wanting talk, either, and itsuki having horrible social skills, only leave to Rin, "how about we go to ichiraku for a treat as a team together? hmm?" rin ask breaking the silence, obito nods as kakashi, just sighs, "umm.. maybe i will ask father, about it.." just as itsuki was about to leave, kushina popped out of nowhere, "someone said ichiraku ramen, i'm in, and don't worrly itsuki, i will deal with your father let goo, RAMEN IT IS" kushina says draging everyone including minato along, eveyone sweatdrops.





itsukis pov

      i went in and took a seat as rin sit to my left aand kushina sit on my right, "soo, itsuki, how has it been, my favorite niece?" kushina ask me, "it been good, the council has been debating on whether i should take the test for jouin or not, father says it an good idea and brings status to the clan, but i'm not sure, what do you think kushina-nii? " i ask her as i get my ramen, she choked on her ramen "WHAT, YOUR TOO YOUNG TO BECOME A JOUIN, AND YOUR FATHER, HAS HE GONE INSANE!!!!!!!" she shouts her hair flowing all around her, after an argument, we went for our mission.



"obito crackhead, at point A!" OBITO shouts in the mic, our ears exploded

"kakashi in point B and don't shout in the mic, oh my kami" kakashi scoldeds him,

"Rin in point C," rin says

   "itsuki, in point D" i whispered, because i saw something move in the bush, an cat witha an ribbbon on it ear came out, obito, jump and snatched the cat, but it scratched him "AHH, ATUPID CAT!!!", and then it came to me.... i held my hand out as it rubbed itself against me and purred. i gave it to minato-sensei, as we bring it back, to the owner, she thanked me, as she squished the cat 'poor cat no wonder it ran away' i thought, "hah, that what the stupid cat deserve." obito pouted. "okay, bye guys i have to leave," i waved, "me too, i have to go with my amazing cousin bakashi" obito said as he tagged along and i bided them an goodbye, "we'll hangout next time itsuki" rin shouted, i just gave her a tiny smile behind my mask.

   "so, my amazing ototo, whats your favorite, ramen, " he said as he put his arm on top of my head since he's older and taller than me, then started blabbering about ramen, some clans kid came toward us, i felt obito tense, "hey freak, how has it been" one of the kids said to obito, seems like they didn't notice it me, usally they just start blushing or flirt, the leader seems to punch obito but i stopped him, "cana you leave him alone, please" i said in a montone vioce , "what if i say no brat" he shouted, "dont blame me if you go the infirmary" i said i twisted his arm and pulled him over and he landed on his back with a thud, they all looked terrfied, "bring him to the nurse" i glared at them, they took him and went, "do they do this to you everyday?, it not okay you have to fight back even if you don't want, in the shinobi world, they say it kill or be killed"  i tell him he looked a bit embrassedand sad, but thanked me, i hugged him on the waist since he's  taller, "okay, bye i'll see you tommorow, hokage-sama" i told him since he wanted to become hokage ever since i met him. he  gave me his signature grin. and left.













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