Chapter 2

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When me and Imani were 6, we made a fort out of covers and blankets.The blanket stood over the couches and a lamp stood in the middle of the fort to stand it up.

Pillows, covers, and books filled the inside.  It was our very first sleepover that night. I lived just down the street from her, so my mom walked me over to her house. The street lights lit up the houses and a soft mist falls in the sky.

"Are you sure you have everything? Clothes for tomorrow, Deodorant?"
"Yes, mom."
We walked up to her house and rang the doorbell. I heard the door unlocking and someone answered the door. It was her mom. "Hey Matthew!" It was the first time I saw her mom. She wore a red and white apron, and her hair was in an afro. "Hi," I said nervously. A dog walked up to the door and came up to me.  "No, Shiloh," she says before she looks up at me with a welcoming smile. "Come on in. Imani is upstairs in her room."

I smile and walk past her and up the stairs. "Dylan!" shouts my mom. I turn around. "I love you." I love you too," I whisper.


After school, we walked to my house. "You should really stop wearing that shirt," she said as we were walking down the street. I look down. "What's wrong with it?" She squints her eyes.
"I don't know. It just makes your neck look ginormous."

I open my mouth in shock and shove her. "Gosh you're so rude!" I say jokingly. "Sorry, but at least I'm telling you. Like what if you wear that shirt to your first date or something? You would be embarrassed." We laugh all the way to my house and when I stop on the steps I say, "Also, if my parents are arguing, just ignore them okay?" Imani nods.

Later that night, we talk about people at our school, crushes, school, and fallout 4 ( our favorite game. ) Posters of The smith's, Nirvana, and The cure cover the wall by my bed,and next to my desk are full of sketches I've made over the months. We're silent for a little while, just doing our own thing. We do this all the time. Maybe we just love each other's company.Imani is laying on my bed and I'm at my desk, sketching.

"Wanna know what I think?" She asks. "Hmm.. I don't know. What do you think?" I turn around to look at her.
"I think you should tell her you like her."
"Absolutely not."
"Come on, you've been in love with her since like... birth."
"Now you're pushing it."
"Ok. Maybe. But you see where I'm coming from."

I crawl onto the bed next to her and look up at my ceiling. I can feel her big brown eyes looking at me.

"They're just some things I don't want to talk about. Yes. She's pretty, but I don't want to be with her." I turn to look at her. "Does that make sense?"
She nods and we sit there for a few moments until my mom calls us down for dinner.


After dinner, Imani's mom picked her up. Well, after our moms talked for like 30 minutes about absolutely nothing. I never got that.
I go back up to my room and shower and for some reason, I cry. I don't know why, but my heart was hurting and the urge to just took over. It's been like this for a while too.

I would cry.... And then stop.... And then cry again. Sometimes if I cry about one thing, I'll end up breaking down over every single thing I've done wrong I'm my life. Maybe it's because of my parents. All they do is argue and fight. That's also been the same since I was little. I never understood that either. Why not just get a divorce? I'd rather them just separate than just argue everyday. It's absolutely draining.

The next morning, my mom dropped me off at school and right when I was about to get out of the car, I see Edward and his friends hanging out on the grass.

"Can you just go around one more time?" I ask her.
"No Dylan. We're not doing this today. I'm gonna be late."
"Mom. Now is not a good time. Please, just circle around again."
She rests her head back and sighs.
"We're already here. Get out. Now." She gives me that look. The "You're gonna be in big trouble look."

I look at her for a minute, trying to convince her. Cars were honking,  passing in front of us and I finally just got out of the car. I put my hoodie over my head and went in through the gym.

During lunch, me and Imani sat next to our only friend besides each other, Charlie. Charlie is a nerd. ( I'm saying this I'm a good way. ) He only reads Comic books and Harry Potter. I like that about him.  I was invited to his Birthday party last summer and he had a room full of them. Charlie is pretty cool if you ask me.

We always sit by the windows outside. Everyone here kind of has their own spot. The popular girls sit next to the popular boys and it's just a whole group of popular kids next to each other. They always only talk about 2 things. Drugs and parties.

It's almost May and it's getting hotter out and I miss winter. Winter was depressing. ( or maybe I was just depressed,) but I loved it. Now that the sun's out I have to start wearing clothes that I hate. I'm really thin and I hate almost everything about me. Imani says I look fine and whenever I complain about my hair or my skinny legs, she always finds a way to cheer me up.

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