A Side Story

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Rider have just announced that the pups will be going down to Jake cabin for a trip in the woods, and everyone has already started to pack before next morning.

Chase POV

During when me and Marshall was talking, rider cuts the conversation between us and after rider was done talking, Marshall goes and pack, and I went to do the same, I guess I just talk to him later I hope. Me and Marshall are the best of buds but sometimes I think he more than just a friend, he is a funny, and silly pup to hang around with, not to mention he cute as ever, but I don't know how he feels at all. I know I'm into guys and such, but maybe he likes someone else or not into guys, I don't know, me and Marshall been such good friends and even if j would to ask him, I would hate to ruin or make the friendship we have werid or awakerd. All I know is that I better get packing for this trip, I just can't wait to spend some time in the woods and maybe with a certain Dalmatian.

I grab my pup-case and start to get everything thing I need,"hey hey, chase" , I hear behind me, "oh hey skye, wassup," I ask her as she walked in with a huge smile on her face, "well just got done packing, and wanted to check up on ya, are you excited for the trip", she asked, "yep, and I see you are too, with that energy", I say,"yup, I love going to Jake cabin, hanging with Everest and Jake are the best, especially with how far they are", skye says,"yeah, I know, it great to see and explore the woods, I can't wait", I reply and close my pup-case,"alright all done packing", I say and place it in the corner, "well it getting late, and I going to get some rest early, don't want to be all sleepy tomorrow", skye says,"well goodnight then skye, see ya" I say, "see ya" skye says and runs off to bed. While skye went to bed, I went around saying goodnight to the other pups until there was only one pup left him.

Chase final Pov.

I walk in to Marshall puphouse to see that he already has fallen dead asleep, I walk in and whisper into his ear,"goodnight My love" I say and watch him as he lays peacefully, "hmm I wonder if he mind if I do this", I think and start to lay next to him, "just for a little bit, to see how it feels like", I told myself, and Falls fast asleep right next to him.

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