Chapter Five

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The two witches had been practicing magic together for weeks and quickly grown so much closer.

After a long day of making different kinds of potion-enchanted peaches, the pair headed up to Raine's room to hang out and chat before bed. Raine was telling her a funny story. About what, Eda couldn't quite place. She wasn't fully keeping track of all the details. She was entirely focused on Raine's musical laugh and gorgeous smile.

I really like them. It's becoming a problem, Eda thought to herself.

Raine finished their story. Eda saw her chance to end the conversation and went for it. "That's nice... I would love to talk more, but it's getting late. I'm gonna go to bed."

"Oh... Okay then. Go ahead. I won't keep you."

"I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Rainestorm."

"Goodnight, Eda..."

Once she'd closed their door, the owl lady walked to the empty chamber across from Raine's room.

That was close, Eda thought to herself. I'd hate for them to see me like this.

She sighed and opened the curtains, letting the moonlight into the room.

You know you want them. There's no hiding it. But you can't ever have them, can you?

As much as she tried to fight it, she could only keep her emotions at bay for so long; eventually she broke down. Feathers began to sprout over her body.


Raine laid down and tried to fall asleep, but they were wide awake. Eda's mood had changed so suddenly. They couldn't help but be a little worried.

Raine sat up straight and got out of their bed, then started towards the door.

They saw the light of the moon illuminating the floor, and they followed it. They entered the corridor. They could hear breathing, most likely Eda, and after a second, they noticed the sound of gentle crying. The bard called out to her.


Their gaze landed on the open window in the corner of the room. For a second, they thought they saw some strange creature bearing resemblance to an owl, but they decided they must've imagined it. The figure in the corner was just Eda.

"Eda? Are you okay...?"

Eda reacted to Raine's presence, but she didn't turn around to look at them.

"I, uh... I thought you were going to bed?"

"I was," Eda said. "I got distracted."


"You can go, Raine..."

"Were you crying just now?" Raine asked. "Eda, I hope you know you can talk to me about anything bothering you..."

Don't show emotion. Don't open up to them. It'll just make it hurt more when they inevitably leave.

"Don't worry about it, Rainestorm. I'm fine. I appreciate your concern, but it's nothing you should give the time of day to."

"Alright... If you're sure." Raine gave in. "Goodnight, Eda..." they turned away and returned to their room.

Eda only looked back at them when they were a decent distance away from her. A single tear fell from her eye. She felt a few feathers sprout on her arm. She sighed, brushed them off, and turned her gaze back to the moon.

She noticed a cat on the windowsill. It was a small, fluffy tortie cat with thick black and brown fur. It wore a wide, cheeky smile that didn't show any teeth or anything, but so wide that its eyes were completely narrowed. It meowed at her and purred.

"What're you smiling at, rascal?" Eda scoffed. "You think it's funny? Never seen a woman cry over someone she loves but can't have, huh?" Then she sighed. "Must be nice to not have to deal with that."

She left and went to her room, then flopped onto her bed. The smiling cat had climbed to the windowsill to peer inside at Eda. It eventually left and went to Raine's windowsill.

Raine was laying on their side in bed, faced towards the window. They noticed the cat immediately.

"Oh… Hi there." They said.

The cat meowed at them.

Raine narrowed their eyes in suspicion. "You look familiar…"

The cat hopped off the windowsill.

Raine, confused, just turned over onto their other side. "That was weird, don't you think, Tabitha?"

Raine's otter Palisman squeaked in agreement.

"Huh. I wonder where I've seen that cat before." Raine thought out loud. They shrugged, settled into their pillow, and drifted off to sleep.

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