Chapter Eight

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About a week later, Eda had healed from her injuries.

At this point in time, it was nearly midnight. Panicking, Eda rambled to her sister through her crystal ball.

"And then I asked them to join me in the ballroom tonight," Eda frantically told Lilith the events of earlier that evening. "I basically asked them out on a date! And now I'm so anxious! How could I be such a fool?"

"Maybe it wasn't so foolish, Edalyn!" Lilith said. "What did they say?"

Eda covered her face with her hand. "They agreed to it..."


"But what if they were just saying that to avoid hurting my feelings by turning me down?"

"Okay, okay." Lilith interjected. "What were their exact words?"

"They said 'sure,'" Eda answered. "I mean, I suppose they seemed enthusiastic, but 'sure' isn't typically how you respond if you really want to do something--"

"Edalyn, calm down," Lilith gave a small laugh. "They could've just said it like that because they were nervous. I bet they're really excited. From what you've told me, it seems you both really like each other--"


"It's no secret, stop acting like my recognition of your mutual admiration is such a big deal. And didn't they literally cuddle you to sleep that one night last week? I don't think that's something you do if you're just friends." Lilith rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand how you're such a 'relationship expert' when you don't date, never have, and claim you never will," Eda said.

"It's simple. It's like how you never see a grudgby coach playing the game. Because the thing they do best is just knowing how it works. That's kinda how it is for me. Make sense?"

"I guess." Eda shrugged. "Lilith... Do you really think they genuinely want to do this with me? Do you really think they... Like me? Like that?"

"Why wouldn't they?" Lilith said emphatically. "You're smart, gorgeous, confident, surprisingly really sweet to people once they get to know you-- there's so much about you to like. Of course they like you, Edalyn. They would be stupid not to. And based on what you've told me about them, they don't sound like they're stupid."

"Alright... I trust your word." Eda said. "Now do you think you could help me pick an outfit? I want to wear something that makes me feel good, but captivates them just as much."

"Hmm... Maybe that long red dress with sparkles on the top part?" Lilith suggested. "Ooh, or maybe the black dress... Or black pants with a red collared shirt? Or the gold dress, with a black coat?"

"I'll try those on," Eda said. She did a quick swap spell, immediately conjuring the first dress around her. "I don't know... What do you think?"

"It's pretty, but it doesn't quite fit the vibe the way I thought it would." Lilith said. "Change into a different one."

Eda nodded. She tried the red collared shirt with the pants next.

"That looks good... But try on the other two just to be sure."

She tried on the flowy black dress with long sleeves. It didn't feel quite right. Then she tried the short A-line gold dress and black coat. It was cute but it just didn't scream "fabulous" to her.

"This definitely isn't it." Eda said.

"Agreed. Put the red dress shirt and pants on again."

Eda changed back into the outfit.

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