Chapter Nine

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Raine had returned to their room to change into sleepwear when they heard strange noises coming from outside their window.

"Did you hear something, Tabitha?" Raine whispered to their Palisman.

Tabitha squeaked. Raine approached the window and squinted, looking for signs of anything outside. Suddenly Tabitha bounded towards the window and jumped out.

"Tabitha!" Raine hissed. "What are you doing?"

The Palisman kept going. She squeaked again, urging Raine to follow her. Raine gave in; they grabbed their satchel and hopped out the window. Tabitha shifted to her flying stick mode and caught Raine so they wouldn't fall and hurt themselves. She got them to the ground safely and then started running again.

Raine chased after Tabitha, and soon enough they weren't even on the castle grounds anymore. Tabitha led her owner through the forest into a clearing. Fireflies surrounded the area. Tabitha had stopped running, and there was a black and brown cat in front of her.

Wait a minute. I recognize that rascal, Raine realized. That's the same cat that led me to the Haunted Hollow! And it was at my window that one night, too!

"You again!" Raine crossed their arms. "What are you doing?"

The cat started meowing– repeatedly. It almost sounded like it was panicked.

Rustling was heard in the bushes, and the cat, alarmed, took off.

"I'm not following you this time," Raine narrowed their eyes.

Now they could hear footsteps. And as they grew closer, Raine came to the realization that there was about to be trouble. They knew who was approaching. They could recognize footstep patterns like a scared child with abusive parents.

They looked at Tabitha. "I'm gonna need you to hide, pal… Okay?"

Tabitha squeaked quietly and made her way out of sight. Raine braced themselves for what was about to happen.

Terra Snapdragon appeared with a displeased look. "Raine Whispers," she said, "funny seeing you here. Where in the hell have you been?"

"Oh, hi, Terra! Just, uh... Foraging."

"Do you think I'm stupid? I mean where have you been for the past month?"

"Exploring." Raine said. It technically wasn't a lie.


"Yes, I was exploring."

"I assume you were so wrapped up in your adventures that you forgot about your obligation to join a coven?" She snapped. "How stupid do you think I am, you naive… Cactus? You told me you'd chosen–"

"I wasn't lying about that, to be fair. I did decide to be a bard."

"But you neglected to mention that you didn't officially join the coven." Terra glared. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

"No, I just didn't mind because I wasn't planning on sticking around."

"In case you've forgotten, you imbecile, avoidance of joining a coven is a crime."

"It's only a crime in Bonesborough. We're not in Bonesborough anymore."

"As I was saying– So here's the deal," Terra said, and proceeded to snap her fingers, cuing a platoon of coven guards to show themselves. "Either you give us information... Or I'm afraid we'll have to place you under arrest."

"I can give you information… On deez nuts!" Raine chimed, then ran off. Eda would be so proud, but they'd regret that forever.

"Get them!"

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