A fighter

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Waking up to another blissful morning something I dread doing. I do love waking up, but I hate that I have to learn new tactics on how to not so obviously avoid Christian, and is now very obvious to everyone around us that I am indeed hiding from Christian.

Arkalis has unknowingly been helping me keep busy though. The people from the villages have been coming for Arkalis help, and I have been the one tending to their complains. Most times, their complains are stuffs they could handle by themselves, to these people I just end up warning them not to waste the wizard time.

In my view i can finally call myself a full witch, but in Arkalis view, he believes that I still have a lot to learn. I can't understand why he thinks that when, he has already stop with all my magic classes. He is now teaching me how to fight, Christian inclusive.

Arkalis felt that I might need to know how to fight in case my powers fails me, and he also believes that I might one day need the help of Christian skillful hands in protecting me.

I stood up from my bed and put on my training clothes. I left my room heading for the training grounds.

"Good morning Arkalis. Good morning Christian." I greeted walking into the training ground.

"Good morning to you too, Anastasia." Arkalis replied, while Christian only nods to my greetings. That's weird.

Arkalis gave each of us two bucket filled with water, the buckets are linked with a stick. He instructed us to carry it on our shoulders and make sure not a single drop of water pours out. According to him, in martial arts... balance is the key ingredients.

Of course there was no way either me or Christian would be able to balance ourselves while having such heavy weights on our shoulders. In not time the buckets came crashing down along with the water in it.

"Fill the buckets back up and try again." Arkalis instructs calmly, his hands behind his back.

Christian and I rushed to the drum and filled our buckets. Arkalis helped me in placing mine on my shoulder, while Christian skillfully placed his on his shoulder. I pouted in jealously, I want to be strong. But anyway, I am going to be consoling myself, with the fact that Christian is a guy who turns into a dragon since he became eleven.

I wasn't able to hold on to the sticks linked to the buckets on my shoulder for up to ten seconds before it came crashing to the ground again. Christian on the other hand carried it very well showing off his muscles self. He only encountered problem with keeping the water from pouring little by little.

"Instead of watching him, why don't you fill up your buckets and try again." Arkalis said cutting through my little trance-like state.

I rolled my eyes, I hope he is not insinuating that I was checking Christian out, cause I wasn't. I was definitely not checking his nice toned broad back. I guess... I was actually checking him out.

Using my magic I absorbed the water on the ground and transported it into the bucket.  I had to try carrying the water two more times before I was able to finally stay for long, without falling it down. Now my only problem is to be able to balance myself, so I wouldn't pour even a single drop of water.

Christian has been able to balance his self completely, and stay for long without pouring a single drop of water from the buckets. Arkalis is too busy applauding him and has no time to correct my repeated failure. Does he really has to teach Christian and I together.

"You won't be able to focus and balance both bucket. If you are too lost in your thoughts and getting distracted by your own thoughts." Arkalis said, his voice really close to my ear. I had to stagger a bit so I wouldn't bring the buckets crashing to the ground, although it would be all Arkalis faults.

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