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"I can't believe this, just a few hours here and we have already ended up in a cell. This is such a waste of time to our mission here." Christian grumbled kicking the iron bars.

"I wish we knew the horses were stolen horses, we would never have brought that horse from that man. Ugh... I wish we saw the stupid crown on the thigh of the horses." I sighed heavily, resting my head on the wall of the cell.

"There was no way we would have found out that the horses were stolen, even if we saw the crown... more of guessing the horse belongs to the king. The man looked really convincing." Christian replied, rubbing his face really tiredly.

The horse we brought, with our own money... actually were stolen horses that belongs to the king of this village. And just for you to know how wicked the man we brought the horse from is, he couldn't even direct us to a different village... But instead, directed us to the same village he stole the horse from, putting I and Christian in trouble.

"Can't you like... I don't know... Poof us out of here, you know... Make this iron bars disappear." He said, rubbing the back of head nervously.

I know what Christian said was just a suggestion, but it sounds like mockery to my ear.

"I thought it had already being cleared that I can't perform magic yet. And this is also one of the reasons why I need Arkalis help." I glared at him, angrily.

"And just so you know, if I could actually poof us out of here... I would have done that long ago." I eyed him really mad, by his unintentional mockery.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I just want us to get out of here quickly. Sorry." He apologized looking downwards.

I suddenly felt bad for shouting at him.

"It's alright. And besides even if I want to make the iron bars disappear, I wouldn't know how to do that." I frowned.

"Well .. maybe if you stare at the iron bars for too long, maybe it might disappear." He shrugged.

I breathe out standing up.. I walked to the iron bars, stared at it fully concentrated... Hoping it would just disappear.

2 minute and counting.. and probably more, and not even a bar has disappeared. I have gotten no reaction whatsoever from the iron bars. I continued staring at the bar with so much agressiveness and frustration, nothing! I got nothing.

"I don't think whatever you are actually doing, is working." Christian states, his voice low.

"I can very much see that. I hope you are satisfied now." I hurled daggers at him... The only problem is... My eyes that are actually glaring at him, and they cannot produce any daggers.

I sat down on the floor with a thud... still angry.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and I huffed.

"Get up!!." A king guard yelled, opening the cell, two other guards troop into the cell and then dragged I and Christian out of the cell.

We were dragged all the way from the cell to the throne room, where we were made to bow before a very fat king. If I had a chance, I would have rather preferred to feast on the beauty of the throne room, almost everything is made with gold.

"Sire, they are the ones responsible for your stolen horses." A man, who I am assuming to be the king right hand man said.

"I'm not going to say much. Just behead them!." The king said with so much ease, placing a hunk of watermelon in his mouth.

"What! No! You can't!" Christian and I yelled out at the same time.

"We didn't steal your horses your majesty." Christian said lowering his voice this time around.

How can the king be so ignorant, he didn't even want to give us a fair hearing.

"I know you didn't. The both of you wouldn't be so dumb to ride the horses you stole into the owner's kingdom." The king replied shrugging, chewing on more watermelon.

"Wait! What?" I uttered confused.

"Then why are we getting behead?" Christian asked the number one question I had in mind.

"Because you rode my dear horse, and so you can't live. Now guards, take them away!" He ordered.

"You can't behead us your majesty, please give us any other punishment." I pleaded, as the guard took hold of both me and Christian, dragging us out of the throne room.

"Stop!!!" A voice yelled loudly, and the guards stopped dragging us immediately.

I raise my head in the direction of the voice... Oh my God, "Britney." I called out in shock. What is my best friend doing here, dressed up as a princess.

*Because she's probably not the Britney you know, but a look alike who is actually a princess....* My subconsciousness said with an eye roll.

"Who is Britney?" The princess asked with a confused look.

"Actually, no one." I smiled nervously. I'm guessing, my best friend is from a lineage of royals.

"Okay...." She replied staring at me, then turns her focus to the king.... "Father, you can't behead them. Please father don't do that, they aren't even the ones that stole the horses. So please don't behead them." She begged going on her knees.

Please Mr king, listen to your daughter.... I prayed inwardly.

"You're not one to interfere in my judgment. Why are you begging for them?." The king asked with a frown. Yeah, why is she trying to save us, well I don't care... As long as we get to survive, I am alright with whatever her reasons are.

"Guards take the two away, I want to talk with my father, privately." The princess said.

The guards dragged us away, and then pushed us back into our cell.

"Can you think of a reason on why the King's daughter, would want to save us?." I asked Christian thoughtfully.

"Probably... because she doesn't want her father killing someone that is innocent." Christian shrugged.

"Uhm, I don't think so... I think there's more to this." I fold both my hands below my boobs, still thinking.

"You are just over thinking things." Christian replied me, laying on the ground.

I sighed, and rested my back on the cell's wall.

After a few minutes, a guard opened our cell... And this time they didn't drag us like usual, but asked us to come out of the cell. Then Christian and I were handed over to some maids.

Two of the maids lead Christian away, and another two took me to a really big chamber, a really beautiful one.

I was asked to take off my clothes, at first I felt shy... But well, they are ladies just like me. So I took off my clothes, and then I was lead to a bathroom.

There was a really big bath tub in the bathroom, I got into it and the maid helped me in bathing myself. I feel so refreshed.

After bathing I cleaned up myself, and then wore a really nice dress the maids gave to me. It's a white dress, with a splash of gold. I love it!

Then I was lead to the throne room, the king... The princess.. and Christian were already seated. I sat down also, wondering what in the world was actually going on.

"The both of you might be really confused right now, cause you can't tell what is actually going on." The princess started.... Christian and I nodded in reply.

"Father... Please tell them." The princess smiled at her father.

The king sighed, shakes his head and then said. "Well, Young man what is your name?."

"Christian, your majesty." Christian answered with a bow.

"Get ready, you will be getting married to my daughter in two days." With that said, the king stood up and left the throne room.

Christian and I stare at each other, our eyes widened.. what the king just uttered, dwelling deep into out mind.

"Did... did... he just say I'm getting married in two days." Christian stuttered.

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied back.

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