A connection with water

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"Welcome my student, I see you are here early." Arkalis said in a loud voice getting up from his seats and I smiled.

"Yes I came early. I just can't wait to learn more magic." I said so excited to start my training.

"That's a good spirit. And I have prepared something good to match that spirit." He grinned.

"Can you see that really big water tank over there?" He asked pointing in the left direction and I followed his finger tip... The water tank is indeed big and also very far from me.

"Yes I can." I replied.

"Good. Do you see the other water tank facing it over there." He pointed far off to my right and then I looked towards the direction to what he was pointing.

"Yes I can see." I replied nodding my head.

"Good. Now I want you to transport all the water in the left water tank to the right water tank." His instructions came out of his mouth so easily like he just asked me to eat a piece of cake.

"What? There is no way I could do that, at least give me something simpler. There is no way I would be able to move that." I argued in displeasure, wondering if Arkalis plans to kill me before I am able to fulfill my destiny.

"Well... you would have learned something simpler yesterday. But you decide to go have some fun." He shrugged.

At this point in time... my lower lip was dropping really low, if it was possible it would have definitely be touching the ground.... my eyes were bulged out as I stared at Arkalis in shock.

Did he just say what I think he said? Am I hearing things?

"Wait! What?." I stared at him, still not believing the words that came out of Arkalis mouth. I am hoping that I probably misheard him.

"And now because you decided to have fun and not learn your magic, we have to skip a class... because I am not going to be dragged behind by you or with you."

"Dragged behind? You told me to go and have fun. You gave me the day rest." I yelled throwing my hand up in the air, hoping my words would get to his head and also bring him out of his memory loss.

What is wrong with this man?

"I also told you to stay focused, that was my number one rule." He shrugged smirking.

He is enjoying this, isn't he?

"How was I supposed to stay focused if my teacher said and I quote *You can go out and do something fun.* was I supposed to stay back?" I placed my hand on my waist giving him a stink eye. Ugh, I feel so infuriated.

"Keyword; *can* I gave you a choice. Either go out there and have fun or asked that we can continue with our training. It was a simple decision that you decided to overlook. Besides you should have come back in the evening for the evening training, even if you didn't ask that we continue the training but you choose not to come back."

"What you are saying doesn't even make any sense." I uttered in disbelief.

I was so happy to start the training and all I get is this!

"Maybe it doesn't make any sense maybe it does but it stands that you have put us behind schedule, and I will not be dragged back with you... so you *can* go and have fun again or you can transport the water in the left tank to the right one. Your choice?" He shrugged smirking.

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