A Shiny new Encounter

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Concept: Ranger!Reader (with shiny Liepard) x Red Eyes; Red Eyes wants to gift reader a present, remembering their time on opposite ends; Red Eye pov.

     A little bit bored I wandered past the shops and the people surrounding them. Nothing really caught my eye in the Driftveil Market, since it was mostly herbs and incenses. A little disappointed that they wouldn't sell anything for tourists to enjoy was rather disheartening. Castelia City was filled with little trinkets, but here? It didn't help that (apparently!) someone had bought everything from another stand, thus taking away another chance of finding a decent present.

   I stepped outside the Building, before making my way back to my hotel. The sun was already setting over the forest next to the city, making me aware of how long I had spent inside the market. All for nothing. With a groan I rubbed the bridge of my nose. What a waste of time...

   A man on a motorbike drove past me. Normally, I would probably have looked after him, since these machines are really nice to look at, but I was too focused on the lack of presents. Maybe these tourist items aren't really their thing? They come from here, right... but a memorial from one of the cities they came from would still be a nice thing... If I only knew where they came from...!

   "Are you alright?" A sudden voice interrupted my train of thought and I looked up. Next to me stood the guy with the motorbike. "You're looking a little down."

   "No, I'm fine." I answered politely, wondering why the stranger cared.

   "Are you sure?" He replied. "Because this face reminds me of the feeling I have, when I have nothing to give to my beloved."

   Caught off guard I fully turned toward him. "Well..." I started. "I am looking for something to gift someone, but I wouldn't call them my beloved. Why do you care, anyway?"

   "I'm a heartbreaker... I know that feeling all too well." He nodded, tears almost welling up in his eyes, making me feel a little uneasy. "Getting the attention of someone you like is hard."

   "Yeah, whatever." I waved him off and started to walk away. "I don't really care for your love life."

   "Wait!" He yelled after me, drove up to me and stopped, while I ignored him. "I have bought a few things from the market just now! I let you have a look. Take whatever you need."

   "No, it's fine. I don't need..." I got interrupted by the pushy man, who decided it was a good idea to drive into my bath, making me come to an abrupt halt.

   "Listen, you don't know when that chance with your beloved will be over!" He babbled on.

   "I don't..." I wanted to say, but got interrupted again, as the man opened his pockets, showing me all sorts of different souvenirs.

   "Take whatever you think they will like, no, love!" He continued. "You can never be too picky!"

   I had it with this man, but just before I could hurl my opinion in his face, something, or better yet, someone caught my eye. Two someone's in fact. The man in front of me was long forgotten, as I followed the two individuals, literally shining in the setting sun. I haven't seen many shiny Liepard following a person dressed in a ranger uniform, but the Ranger and Scythe. I called out their names and both of them stopped and turned around. A pair of sun kissed eyes looked confused in my direction. They widened and a happy smile stretched across their face.

   "Red Eyes! What are you doing here?" They asked me, meeting me half way.

   "I could ask you the same thing." I replied with a small smile of my own and I studied them more closely. "Your new outfit looks way better on you, than that old coat."

   "Thanks...?" The Ranger replied a little unsure, making me raise an eyebrow. "Anyway, what brings you here? Vacation?"

   "You could say that." I answered, trying my best to sound as casual as they knew me. "I was just souvenir shopping." Should I ask them? "And you? What takes you from the far away Oblivia Region to this cold place?"

   "Isn't it lovely?" They smiled, scratching Scythe in between the ears, who leaned into the touch. "Scythe was born in the Unova region, so ever since we became friends, I wanted to go there."

   I blinked surprised. "So, you don't come from here?"

   "Nope." They still smiled.

   "Oh..." Was the only thing I could muster. So all of this was pointless, huh? "Then where do you come from?" Well, it doesn't matter. They're here now anyway.

   "Sinnoh." They said, this time however, they had their head slightly tilted to the side, eyes wandering over my face. "An even colder region."

   "So I have heard." I grinned at them, regaining my composure. "Mind showing me around when I come by and visit you?"

   "I don't." Their smile returned. "I would love to."

   "Then it's a deal." I nodded, satisfied with myself. "What do you say? Shall we go and eat something in a restaurant to celebrate our reunion?"

   Scythe mewed, making the Ranger slightly nod. "We both have already eaten, but wouldn't mind, if we went to a café. Their less crowed anyway."

   "Sounds good." I grinned starting to lead the way. "I already have something in mind."

   "Good." They smiled back, following me. "Then I have all the time I need to ask about you, ever since you left the Pinchers."

   "Making sure I don't do anymore crimes, huh?" I concluded, but to my surprise they shook their head.

   "I trust you." They replied with a smile. "Rather, I just want to know more about you. We haven't really talked on a personal level. Not that we ever had the time to do so."

   "You are interested in me?" I can't deny, I was a little stunned.

   "Pretty face with cunning attitude, how would I not want to know more about you?" They smiled innocently.

   "You know what you just said, right?" I grinned at them, studying their facial expression, looking for a way to confirm that they were serious.

   "Weren't you the one to ask me out on a date?" They looked at me.

   Surprised, I blinked my eyes at them. This time, they had me completely stunned. Ironic, since I tried to stun them many times in the past with my blaster. Their grin just widened with amusement, before they linked their arm with mine.

   "Even if nothing comes of it." They were still smiling. "I would love to have you as a friend. I don't mind either way. Spending time with you is enough for me."

   "You... are way more honest than I thought you'd be." I couldn't help the warm feeling spreading though my chest, reaching up to my lips.

   "Rather this way, than playing the guessing game." A frown overshadowed their happy face for a heart beat. "I hate people like that."

   Scythe gave an approving mew from the side, reminding me of her presence.

   "Then I will accommodate your likings." I replied playfully.

   "Don't sound so smug about it." They grinned back. "Keep a look out for the café, if you're that thirsty."

   This brought a quick laugh out of me as the sun started to vanish behind the treeline. The sparkle in their eyes however never did.

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