Time to Move on

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Concept: Guide of the Afterlife!Reader x Kinji Uehara; Kinji has died and has to face his final trial. The concept of this guide is completely made up. Reader is super tall, btw. Reader pov.

     I studied the young man with care. He was not falling behind as he did in the beginning, instead, his posture was completely straight. Not in the sense like he would seem overly confident, but in a normal state. How every individual with enough self-respect and respect for others would carry themself. It was fascinating to witness. 

   Atop of the stairs awaited two closed doors the arrival of our newest candidate. Mere moments later he stepped next to me, studying their might from the distance. The clouds were spiralling around this monument of fate, waiting for us to enter.

   "This will be the final act." I told him. "This is the last room where your fate will be decided. This shall be your last challenge."

   The man solemnly nodded. "I understand." He said, closing his eyes for the moment.

   "Then I will open the doors." I stepped forward and with my movement the chains broke and the mighty portal opened.

   Darkness greeted us, stretching its claws out in our direction. Unfazed, I pressed on inside. I had lost count, how many times I have done so before. Watched so many fade away into their destined place, or be forced to stay and be stripped away of all their thoughts and personality. To become my mindles slaves. Forever.

   Quiet steps behind me got louder, as his shoes collided with the floor tiles. The darkness took its course, fading away as the night sky of the ceiling began to show its beauty. Pillars reached up to the beyond, trying to grasp it. Though the endlessness of the universe could never be contained.

   I turned my gaze away from the moving sight and watched the young man study his surroundings in awe, his eyes soon meeting my own. He didn't move from his spot and neither did I. We both had our gazes locked on one another. Something inside of me moved. There was a weird feeling. A feeling of trust and a feeling of... care? It was nothing I had ever felt before toward a wandering soul. Quite frankly I was sure, I had never felt it before at all.

   Curious, I stepped forward, clearly taking the young man off guard. Though he held his ground as I gazed down at him, my shadow enveloping him whole. His blue eyes searched mine, trying to figure out what was happening. So did I. Slowly, I raised my hands toward his face, running my fingers over his skin. He seemed surprised, his eyes flickering from place to place and connected with my own once more. Interested I watched his behaviour closely.

   "You seem... different than the others before you." I told him as my hands travelled from his lower jaw to his ears.

   "What do you mean?" He asked, eyes glistering with uncertainty and something else I could not decipher.

   My hands wandered further from his ears to the nape of his neck as I searched for words to describe what I was feeling. Continuously I studied his facial features and I watched, as his pale skin turned a soft pink.

   "What is it that you feel?" I asked him, still looking at him intently.

   He blinked at me, appearing to be surprised at my question. "Is... this part of my trial?" He wanted to know.

   "No." I answered him, while my hands now travelled back to his lower jaw, making him look up at me. "However, it is something I am interested in."

   "...I feel..." He slowly began. "Thankful."

   "Thankful?" I repeated.

   He softly nodded, barely able to, since I still held onto him. "You helped me through my emotions and helped me process the sins I've committed. You showed me, what has happened to the orphans I cared for and to my fallen friends. They are happy where they are. Even if my place will end up being in hell, it is what I brought upon myself and deserve. I have killed not only once, but twice and have doomed them all. There is no apologizing for what I have done. Yet, thanks to you, I can say that all I have done was not for nothing, as I had originally thought."

   My gaze wandered over his features again, jumping from his left eye to the other and back. "I thank you for your insight." I said. "I am glad you feel this way. However, I do not think it is what I am dealing with right now."

   "If you do not have the words, perhaps describing them might help." He offered a solution. "Maybe something they want you to do."

   "They want me to do...?" I mumbled, a little in thought. "They want me to be near you. I want to hold you, and I want to make sure that you are alright. I understand that, somehow, I have taken a liking to you, but I do not understand why. What is it that makes you so special? I wonder..."

   His eyes had widened just a little, flickering between mine. "...I doubt this has anything to do with me." He said, faster than usual.

   "Then why have I never felt so before?" I asked more myself than him as I let my thumbs run over his cheeks, which radiated off more heat than they did the entire time. "Are you feeling well?"

   "...what do you mean?" The young man seemed to be not his usual self.

   "You are acting... different." I told him. "Not to mention your body heat has increased. Are you getting sick?"

   "No, I'm fine." He said... reassuringly? "I... no one has ever done this to me before. I am not used to getting touched like this."

   "If I recall correctly, humans show their affection through touch, in some circumstances anyways." I slightly nodded, recalling the things I had read. "Is it what I am doing to you? Showing affection? Am I lovingly touching you?"

   "...You could say it like that." His words were almost a mere whisper.

   "Interesting." I nodded once more. Satisfied with the answers, I let go of him and returned to the spot I had stood originally. "However, whether you are kept here or not is not up to me." I turned toward him, his eyes still wide as they were before. "The stars will decide your fate."

   One by one the sparkling objects freed themselves from their place of captivity and fell with a dancing motion to our level, getting brighter and brighter as they did. Soon, the entire hall was engulfed in their bright dancing light. His white hair and blue eyes shone in their mighty presence as my eyes never left his form. He looked beautiful as the stars circled him, getting ready to decide his final place.


Author's note:

Maybe now he will learn what "slay" means. I'm not sorry for anyone, who gets the reference. You know, who you are. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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