Haunted Chapel

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Concept: Ranger!Reader (with a shiny Banette) x Garret; still enemies but after a few close calls, they have grown closer together; this is just one chapter from a story with 40 pages and I'm not posting all of it; right now, both reader and Garret have to walk through a castle Reader and their partner Pokémon have created in a parallel dimension; Reader is a ghost(?); Garret pov.

     Once I had finished my breakfast I vanished back into the room I had slept in, not wanting to encounter that creepy doll again. Doing the rest of my preparations and being certain that the doll was no where to be seen, I sat back down. I picked up the book in hopes of finding new information, but when it just lay comfortably in my hands, the Ranger suddenly stood next to me. I looked at them and had to stiffen a laugh. Their hair was going in all directions, making them look like they had been through a storm and back.

   "Ah, I see." I said instead, still slightly chuckling. "You're one of those people who go on a morning run."

   They gave me a slightly annoyed glance, before taking the book and writing: 'I had forgotten I had implemented a puzzle. I had to throw objects on platforms to be thrown to the same place. I need to rework that one.'

   "I can tell." I nodded with a grin, while they tried to flatten their mess of hair, with semi success. "Do you want to take care of that first or should we keep going?"

   They answered with turning around and put the book back onto their belt. Bowing very quickly and then straightening back up, they chucked their hair for and back in the process. Instead, it stood even more into all directions. The Ranger however seemed satisfied and signed me to follow them. I just kept on quietly laughing, keeping the urge to myself of making their hair even worse.

   To my surprise however, we went a few floors up and walked through one of the bigger pair of doors. Again, very well camouflaged between the many other doors. We entered another long corridor and the many paintings I saw made me realise, looking at anything for too long was not a good idea. I had learned from my past experience and let my gaze wander, while ignoring the eyes of every painting. They were still following us. How cliché.

   The set of doors at the end of the hallway were big and the dark wood I could not pin point the type had all sorts of plant like images carved into it. This time however, the Ranger signed me to open the doors with them and I immediately knew why. They. Were. Heavy. I barely got mine open, but once we did, we stumbled into the next level. The Ranger was able to catch themself, I sadly wasn't so lucky. Sighing, I got back up brushing the imaginary dust off of my clothes, before looking around.

   This chapel was another very drastic change from the guest house. It was darker and the dark grey stone walls were set together with massive blocks. The terrifying statues returned and were the only light source inside the building with their grey burning eyes exposing their teeth and claws in all their horrifying glory. On our left were giant windows, showing a huge balcony on which the promised ghosts were dancing. See through and having their wounds leaking blood. Some were just bones in old time clothing. The clouds in the distance were fleeting by, adding to the surreal setting.

   "I always thought chapels looked more... solemnly and not like... a castle of a demon?" I tried to give my opinion, but I had no real words to say. To be honest, at this point I was quite used to the grimaces and proportions of the statues. The Ranger just shrugged with a smile, before making a failed attempt of dancing like the ghosts. I followed them nonetheless, already expecting the worst from a place like this. To my dismay, it also had a lot of stairs. Why so many stairs? Can't they just use a lift?!

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