The start of it all

608 14 3

**BEEP BEEP** 'ugh' "SHUT UP" I try to turn of my alarm clock but miss several times after I managed to turn it off I sit in bed for a couple minutes before finally getting up 'I fucking hate school'

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair I look at my watch 7:00 'not bad but I shouldn't take too long'

When I was done I went down stairs to the kitchen "mom?" I yell "mom!?" I yell again I end up finding her passed out on the living room floor 'Jesus Christ' as I was cleaning up the beer cans and cigarette butts I noticed some bills on the coffee table 'shit' 'I guess I should get a job too' 

I went back to the kitchen and threw away the cans and put a note on the fridge reminding my mom that I'm staying after school today since I have Hellfire when I was done I checked my watch it read '7:15'  "Shit I should hurry"

I run upstairs and grab my Hellfire shirt that Eddie made for everyone when we were freshman 'ah the good old times' I laugh to myself as I put it on 

Me and Eddie have known each other since since freshman year we both failed twice because we never took school serious and when we would "study" together we always ended up getting high and doing stupid shit...But the truth is I think Eddie is scared of growing up and going out into the real world but that besides the point 

When I was done getting dressed I went down stairs to make some toast as I was spreading butter on it I looked at my watch 7:23 'shit' I stuffed the toast in my mouth and put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket and bag I made sure I had the house keys and I went out the door

I started walking to my bus stop when I arrived I looked at my watch 7:33 'nine minutes early' I sit on the curb and go through my bag to to get out my Walkman 'huh where is it?' 'shit I must've  left it on my dresser 'I guess I'll just wait till the bus gets here


I got up when I saw the bus, I sat next to Max Mayfield  we've been friends from the start in fact I'm good friends with everyone in the group i've known them since all the upside down shit started me, Steve, and Nancy had some classes together and would hang out often

"Hey how are you?" I ask Max with a smile as I sit down "i'm fine" she doesn't look away from the window 

Max has been distant with everyone since what happened last year at the Star Court mall I know I should help but I'm not that good at comforting I'll ask about it at the right time

~Time skip~

"finally I thought I was gonna die of boredom" Dustin whines 

"Me to" we both laugh as we put are stuff away in our lockers "Hey guys!" we both turn around to see Mike walking up to us

 "Oh hey man whats up" I say "nothing much but Mrs. Heidi was being a pain in my ass about my grades" He groans

 "Can't relate" Dustin says with a grin "Oh shut up you have Suzie fix your grades" Mike rolls his eyes

"Wait guys what are we gonna do about Lucas not being able to join tonight's campaign?" I ask

 "Oh shit I forgot about that" Dustin facepalms himself 

"I guess we just have to ask Eddie if we can post pone it" Mike says 

"god hes gonna freak out" I sigh

When we enter the lunch room we walk to our table and sit down Eddies reading  a magazine out loud its about how D&D is satanic and is bad for kids and can lead to Murder, suicide and violent behavior 

Eddie puts down the magazine and looks at us "What were the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game?" He then he jumps onto the table 

"But as long as your into band"  "and science, or partieeessss" "OR A GAME WHERE YOU THROW BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" he yells over to the basket ball team we all laugh

Jason stands up and yells "You want something freak?" Eddie smiles and puts his hands up to his head to look like devil horns and sticks out his tongue while doing some "demon" noises I smile at him 'god thats hot..WAIT NO WTF AM I THINKING'

 I snap out of my thoughts and pay attention to what going on I hear Jason mutter "Prick.."  under his breath our table laughs as Eddie sits back down 

Dustin clears his throat "So uh Lucas is going to his balls and laundry baskets game tonight  haha" Dustin laughs awkwardly "So he cant make it to hellfire tonight...and we cant do it without him soooo me, Y/n, and Mike were thinking we might uhh-" Dustin got cut of by Mike "Were thinking we might postpone" 

The whole table starts throwing a fit and yelling "SHUT UP" Eddie yells we all go quiet and look at him "Your saying Sinclair's been taken by the dark side?" "uh something like that" I say "Something like that" Eddie mocks me and throws a piece of food at me "Jesus Christ" I mutter

 "And rather then find a sub for him you want to postpone "The Cult Of Vecna"?" Eddie asks "I-I dont want to postpone it.. we dont want to postpone it!" Mike says pointing to me and Dustin as Eddie gets up "Its just that most of the subs will be at the championship game" 

 Eddie turns around "Oh! so its the championship game" Eddie says raising his eyebrow "yeah?.." I say Eddie goes on about how the rest of us only have a few more years left and that they'll be leaving soon and how me and him graduate this year and this is the last game before summer after hes done his speech he makes us find a sub

~Time skip~

"Hey Max wait!" I say while running towards her "can you sub for tonight's game?" I ask "If I do can I get on of those cool shirts?" She asks excitedly 

"uh duh we make them ourselves" I say proudly "Really!?" "yea ofc!..wait are you being sarcastic?" She shrugs and walks away "yea she was being sarcastic.."


Me, Mike and Dustin meetup by the lunch room

"Any luck?" I ask "Nope" Dustin and Mike say in unison "Wait..I know who we can ask!" 

"Who?" Mike raises his eyebrow me and Mike look at Dustin confused He sighs "Erica she would totally say yes because it means she can get something out of Lucas for helping him" 

"Your right" I say "ok Lets do it" 

We all make are way towards Erica's classroom 

"What do you nerds want?" she asks "Can you sub for Lucas please?" Dustin asks

"What do I get out of it?" we all look at each other "uh you can get Lucas to give you money or something for filling in" Mike says quickly 

"hmm ok fine" She says are faces light up "yes thank you!" we all say

We all still had some classes left so we parted ways

Hello! this is the new and improved chapter! I hope its good Words:1,230

"Sir y/n" Eddie Munson x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now