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After class we all met up by the cafeteria again 

"Hey whats up" I say "Hey!" Dustin turns around with a smile we talk a little bit about what  were gonna do tomorrow as we wait for the others 

Me, Dustin, and Mike are going to hang out because Mikes leaving to go visit El and Will  the day after tomorrow and he'll be gone for a while so we want to spend some time with him

When Mike arrives we all walk to the club room 


 "The hooded cultists chant...Hail..Lord...Vecna...Hail..Lord..Vecna" Eddie says in a mysterious voice  "They turn to you..remove their hoods.. you notice Most of them from Mokbar...but there was one thing you do not recognize.." 

We all lean in listening closely to what he was saying "His skin is shriveled..desiccated..and something else.." "He is not only missing his left arm but..His left eye!" Eddie yells standing up and covering his eye

  "NO" "WHAT!?" we all shout and yell "BULLSHIT!" I hear Jeff holler we all look at each other in shock 


 "So it was thought my friends..so it was thought" Eddie says "But Vecna lives!" He yells placing Vecna in the middle of the table

 "You are scared, you are tired, you are injured..do you flee Vecna and his cultists? or do you stand your ground and fight?" Eddie asks "come on" he smiles 'God I love his smile.. jeez I need to stop' 

 "I say we fight" I look at Dustin with and smirk "To the death..!" I say Erica and Mike agree 

"To the death! To the death! To the death!" We all start to chant

Mike goes down first then Jeff then Gareth one by one almost all of us are down

 "Time out!" yells Kas we all go to the near end of the table and form a circle "Guys I hate to say this but we got to flee" Gareth says with a look of defeat

 "I concur" Kas replies "Didnt we just agree to the death!?" Erica yells 

"That wasn't literal!" Gareth looks at her in disbelief 

 Jeff agrees "Vecna just decimated us we cant kill him with just two players!"

  "You too?! He only has fifteen hit points left dont be pussy's" Dustin yells "Pussy's? cause were not delusional?" Gareth says annoyed

 "Delusional? you guys are just being cowards" I say with a sour tone

"hey!" Eddie yells firmly we all turn to look at him

 "If I may interject gentlemen and Lady applejack" "Whilst I respect the passion you'd be wise to take Gareth The Greats concern to heart" "There is no shame in running, dont try to be heros not today" He says with a smile "kay?" 

"One sec" I say and we all turn back around

"What do you think Mike?" Dustin asks "How many points do you and Sir y/n Have left?" he looks at the both of u

 "12" we say in unison "Thats risky as hell.." he says shaking his head "But your the ones one the battle field so its your call." 

Me and Dustin both look at each other and smile "So what do you say Sir y/n?" "Do you really gotta ask me that" I say rolling my eyes

 "Screw it!" He says turning around "Lets kill this son of a bitch" 

Jeff looks at Dustin with worry on his face "Chances of success are twenty to one!" 

"Never tell me the odds" Dustins says confidently "Give me the D20" Eddie smiles and throws Dustin the die

Dustin rolls it and it lands on.... 11 

"THATS A MISSSS!" Eddie yells shaking his head 'damn eddie looks hot doing that..wtf is wrong with me maybe I smoked a little to much'

  I stare at him for a couple seconds to long he notices  and winks at me with a smug smirk I look away with a light dust of pink on my cheeks and get back to the game 

The rooms silent as I shake the die in my hands I close my eyes as I let go of it and toss it on the table

 'please give me a 20..please give me a 20' I open my eyes when I hear everyone cheering it rolled a...20 YES I DID IT! 

"FUCK YEA!" I yell as everyone jumped with excitement

Eddie smiles at me and puts his arm out "Congratulation's Sir y/n"  "Thank you" I say as I bow I hear him let out a small chuckle 


"That was awesome!" I hear Dustin say as we clean up "Thanks" I smile we both fist bump

 Everyone else went home

 But Me, Mike, Dustin and Eddie stayed after for clean up "That was pretty badass of you" Eddie says while picking up the pieces that Dustin smacked off the table "Thank you" I smile I feel my face heat up as I sweep the floor to make sure there wasn't any more extra pieces 'God I look like an idiot' 

When we were done Mike and Dustin went home so it was just me and Eddie 

"Hey you need a ride? its pretty late to walk home" He asks looking at me "sure" I smile

We start walking to his car "Did you have fun?" I asked "Yea ofc that was an awesome save I totally thought Vecna was going to beat your ass" He nudges me 

We both laugh as we get in the car 

On the way home we both talk about how are day went 

"Hey uh I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Dustin and Mike with me tomorrow it will be fun"

 "Yea sure if its ok with them" He gives me a small smile "You have a cute smile" I blurt out without thinking

 "SHIT I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD" I say quickly I feel my face turn bright red 'God why did I say that' "sorry" I laugh awkwardly 

"Its fine man" He laughs  

 "were here" he says "oh ok thanks for the ride I'll see you tomorrow" I say grabbing my bag and opening the car door "yea no problem" He smiled at me and we waved goodbye

I opened the door to see my mom at the dinner table doing paper work "Oh! hi sweetie" she said looking up from the paper she was reading "I'm so sorry about this morning" I was surprised she apologized but I knew she would go back to her normal self sooner or later "Your welcome" I say with a weak smile I start heading up the stairs 

I set my backpack down by my door and throw myself on my bed *sigh* 'today was tiring but..fun' I smile to myself as I get back up to put on my pjs I head down stairs and heat up some leftovers for dinner

As my food was heating up in the microwave I ask my mom about the bills I saw this morning 

"Oh..Its nothing to worry about ok?" "You sure? I can get a job" I say "No dont do that I have everything under control" she sighs taking off he glasses 

"are you-" "YES I'M SURE GOD DAMMIT" she yells "..k sorry" I say grabbing my food and going up stairs


I do my homework and read a bit before going to bed

Hello!  This is a remake but everything is almost the same I just add some more detail and spaced the words better Words:1,247

"Sir y/n" Eddie Munson x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now