Short Scene 8 - Minghao

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Daritadi kamu cuma mandangin pemandangan indah disamping kamu. Pemandangan langka yang sangat amat indah pake banget. Dan asal kalian tahu ya, buat dapetin moment kayak gini aja tuh butuh perjuangan. Berasa kek berjuang buat kemerdekaan. Hahahahahahha. Saking susahnya digoyahkan. Enggak lama, pemandangan disamping kamu nengok.

MH : Kenapa sih, daritadi kok ngeliatin mulu ...

Kamu hanya tersenyum malu.

Y/n : Enggak apa-apa, cuma masih enggak nyangka aja.

MH : Enggak nyangka apaan ...

Y/n : Kamu kenapa sih kok mau sama aku?

Yang ditanya cuma bales dengan pemandangan heran.

Y/n : Jangan-jangan, kamu nerima aku karena terpaksa ya? Karena capek selama ini aku kejar-kejar terus?? Bener kan?? Bukan karena kamu emang suka sama aku.

MH : Iya.

Matamu melotot, kaget denger jawaban yang enggak disangka banget. Beneran nih?? Seriusan dia gak suka sama kamu?? Dan jadiin kamu pacar hanya karena capek kamu kejar-kejar teruss?? Padahal niatnya hanya mau bercanda, kok jadi serius gini ya.

Y/n : Beneran?

Tanyamu lirih. Air mata udah siap-siap mau netes nih kek banjir kiriman.

MH : Iya, aku juga heran kenapa waktu itu jadiin kamu pacar.

Beneran ini mah, nangis.

MH : Padahal kan bisa langsung dijadiin istri

Y/n : HAH?


Since a few minutes ago you just stare at the beautiful scenery beside you. A rare sight that is very, very beautiful. And just so you know, it takes struggle to get a moment like this. Feels like fighting for independence. Hahahahaha. So hard to reach. Then, the scenery beside you looked.

MH: Why? Why have you been looking at me like that?

You just smiled shyly.

Y/n : It's okay, I just still can't believe this is happening to me.

MH: What do you mean?

Y/n: Why do you want to be with me?

You just asked him, and his reaction just give you his confused look.

Y/n : Could it be, you accepted me because you had to, right? Because you are tired of me always chasing after you? right?? Not because you really like me.

MH: Yes.

Your eyes widen, surprised to hear the unexpected answer. Is he really sure?? Seriously he doesn't like you? And make you a girlfriend just because he's tired of you?? Even though your intention was only to joke, how come it's so serious?

Y/n : Really?

You asked quietly. Tears are ready to drip, like a flood.

MH: Yes, I also wonder why at that time I accept you as my girlfriend.

It's true, I'm crying.

MH: Even though you can immediately become a wife

Y/n: Huh?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hello guys, I want to tell you that some sentence or some conversation in Indonesia and English maybe different. Because usually I write with non formal language, so it's a little bit hard to me to translate it in English or sometimes it will look a weird. So, sometimes I make a little bit different beetween Indonesia and English version. And English is not my language, so pardon me if there's some wrong sentence or something. I hope you will understand that. After all, enjoy and happy reading!!


SEVENTEEN SHORT SCENETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang