chapter thirty-seven. who controls the kanima?

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I felt sick.

I didn't know why but my head was spinning and I was sweating and I felt like I was about to throw up. I always had a weak stomach but I didn't eat anything except a tiny piece of cheesecake. Everyone around me seemed to be freaking out too. Like they were all high or something. Sniffing the leaves on Lydia's tree, viciously making out, jumping in the pool with barely any clothes on. It just seemed weird.

I furrowed my brows when I heard the voice of my mom. She was screaming for help. I didn't even know what she was doing here. "Devin, help me." She croaked out. I turned around to see her being held hostage by the Kanima. He had her throat in his hands, sinking his claws into her throat. "No!" I shouted as I ran towards them whilst he started to squeeze her throat. "Mom!" I yelled as I tried to tackle the creature only for him to slice me on my arm, causing my limbs to go numb. I fell to the ground, laying there paralyzed but still able to see my mom being viciously murdered. I tried with everything within me but I just couldn't move. I couldn't move. And she was dead.

I flinched when Scott ran up to me, my brother looking at me in worry. "Devin, drink the water. Something's happening and I need you to sober up right now." He pleaded, handing me a bottle.

I looked at him in confusion, "Wh - what's going on?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes as I tried to find my mom.

"There's something in the punch, you have to drink it." He urged me, unscrewing the cap before forcing the water into my mouth.

I choked as I drank the water, trying to swallow as much as I could. My brother picked me up, helping me stand to my feet as Stiles ran up to us. "Where's Lydia?" I asked in worry, not seeing my girlfriend anywhere. "She said she was going to change into her evening dress, she should be back by now."

"I can't find her. But, dude, anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." Stiles said.

"I can see that." Scott responded, glancing around at the bizarre teenagers. "What the hell do we do?"

Stiles shook his head, "I don't know, but we gotta-" He was interrupted when the sound of someone screaming filled our ears. We all turned our heads, seeing Matt being thrown into the pool.

"I can't swim!" He screamed, flailing his arms. "No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't - I can't -" He was cut off when he sunk under water. My eyes widened when Jackson was the one to pull Matt out of the water, the two of them looking around in anger. I glanced at Scott and Stiles, the three of us sharing the same look. "What are you looking at?" Matt seethed, everybody staring at him in shock.

"The cops are here. Party's over!" Someone yelled, causing everyone to scatter like roaches.

I glanced around the crowd, trying to find Lydia in the midst of the chaos. Where the hell was she?

I ran out into the road with everyone else, Scott and Stiles at my side. I caught a glimpse of a tail swinging, my eyes squinting in realization. Matt was standing in the road with the Kanima at his side. My eyes widened as they disappeared behind everyone else.

Matt controlled the Kanima.

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