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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻:

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

YOU WERE IN THE BACKYARD, doing some push ups with Beel just to waste time and to keep yourself fit. It has been a while since you trained like this, but it's good that you still can do some physical training without difficulties or soreness.

You were now about to reach one hundred in just fifty minutes which was a good record to you. Beel gave you a side glance while still doing the push ups, "Are you sure you can continue like this?" He asked with slight concern in his voice. You laughed with confidence while continuing your training, "Yup! I can continue up to five hundred without getting tired, right Suma?" Suma who was actually seated on your back gave a firm nod while smiling happily, a small blush visible on his cheeks.

"Mhm, Y/N sama is strong! You can do everything flamboyantly!" He exclaimed while raising his fist up and cheering you on.

Beel found himself unable to say anything and just continued to do his training. After about two more minutes, Lucifer walked toward the both of you, "Y/N I recieved a message fro-... Why is Suma sitting on your back?" He asked, pointing at the male on your back.

"What do you see? He is helping me train of course."

Lucifer sighed and shook his head, "Right. Anyway, Solomon has contacted me and he wants invite you to the Purgatory Hall." He said and you hummed, trying to concentrate on your training. "Huh?! Who is that? Is he your friend, Y/N sama?" Suma asked you with a small and cute pout on his lips. You huffed and stopped your training so he can get off you, "You're not cheating on us, right?!" When Suma asked you this, you choked on your spit.

"What the...?! No! He is just someone I met at school!"

Your husband doesn't seem to be convinced and just crossed his arms, looking away from you in jealousy. Your attention turned to Lucifer, "What does he want?" You asked, raising an eyebrow with suspicion. Lucifer did a small shrug with his shoulder, "I have no clue, he didn't say anything about the purpose of his invitation." You felt like he was up to something that would probably make you regret going there, but you curious at the same time.

"Alright, I will go there."

"I will inform him about this, Beel can take you to the Purgatory Hall."

With that, you were now to visit the Purgatory Hall and see some of your new friends there. Still, you felt uncomfortable about the visit and so are your husbands since Suma told both Hinatsuru and Makio. Thus, they demanded to accompany you and Beel there.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Once you five arrived, you were greeted by Simeon who offered you a welcoming smile. However, he was confused when he saw the three unfamiliar males sticking by your side.

"Please come in, we have been waiting for you."

He moved aside to let you all walk in. He guided you to the livingroom where both Solomon and Luke were waiting, "Y/N! It's very nice to have you here!" Solomon cheerfully welcomed you which made you suspect his actions. You glared at him while crossing your arms, "Yeah, thanks for the invitation." You said, not very keen on the invitation.

"Who are these guys, Y/N?" Luke said while pointing at your husbands. Normally Simeon would scold him for pointing at people like this because it's rude, but he also was kinda curious to know these men as well.

"Oh, these are Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio. They are my husbands."

"Your husbands?!"

The two angels and Solomon exclaimed in complete shock. "We all were shocked too when we knew she has three husbands." Beel said, letting out a small snicker at their reaction.


Once the three males recovered from their shock, you all sat down to chat for a little bit. Of course, they had to ask you about how you got three husbands and why and you gladly explained everything to them.

Suma though seemed to be unable to hold himself anymore as he launched at Luke and pulled him in for a crushing hug, "Aww! You're so cute! Y/N sama, I want a child like him!" He exclaimed with sparkling blue eyes, turning to face you.

"Wh-What?!" You yelled, blush creeping up your up your face at the sudden request. Hinatsuru let out a laugh while Makio growled, "Baka! Let the poor child go and don't you ever say embarrassing things like this again!" He scolded and was about to hit his co-husband on the head, but held himself back. Luke ignored the hug and glared at Makio, "I'm not a child! I'm probably older than you!" He corrected angrily. "Luke..." Simeon spoke up calmly and Luke knew the meaning of this tone and went quiet.

Solomon then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and stood up, "I will prepare some tea." With that, he took his leave with a smirk on his lips.

For some reason, you felt something strange in his smirk. This guy was up to something that will probably make you want to strangle him. As time passes, Hinatsuru found a lot in common with Simeon that both of them formed a friendship while Suma was busy with Luke, chatting with him and squealed whenever the boy pouts or smiles. Makio was sitting beside you, talking with Beel every now and then. After a short while, Solomon called for Luke to help him.

Both of them came with a tea tray and a cake. You all were given your fair share of tea and cake to enjoy. "Hmm! This cake is delicious! Who made it?" Suma spoke up, showing his interest in the cake. Simeon smiled and decided to reply, "Luke made it, he wanted to impress Y/N with his cooking skills." He siad, smiling like a proud dad. Luke sunk into his seat as he blushed in shyness, "You helped me, Simeon." He mumbled, averting his gaze to the ground.

"Actually this is flamboyant for a boy to bake!" You said, enjoying your cake and taking a sip from your tea. Hinatsuru seemed to agree with you as he smile to the little angel, "I'm impressed, I would be glad if you teach me how to bake such a wonderful treat." He complimented, taking another bite from the cake.

"His cooking is amazing as always." Beel who had his mouth stuffed with cake spoke up. Luke found himself blushing, unable to say anything at all. Suddenly, something happened to you as you groaned slightly in pain, "What's happening to me?" You rasped out, hugging yourself while closing your eyes shut.

"Y/N sama!"

Your three husbands exclaimed with worry as they all moved toward you. Out of blue, a white cloud covered you, preventing everyone from seeing you. "Y/N, are you alright?" Simeon called with worry covering his face.

After a few more seconds, the cloud disappeared and revealed you. All they did was gasp loudly once they saw you... Let's just say you became a different and more hotter person than you already are.

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