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Chapter Thirty-Two
Destruction and Loss

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

EVERYTHING SEEMED TO GO in slow motion as you watched Hinatsuru in the demon's hands. You were scared that once you make a move Hinatsuru would die. You can't let him die like this!

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have brought them here!" You thought as you felt your eyes sting from tears. You felt paralyzed and your body refused to move even an inch...

Let's live an ordinary life.

His words rang in your head, it was his only wish. Just then, a flow of water mixed with flames appeared around the roof, cutting Gyutaro's hands. You saw that it was Tanjiro who had done this and Hinatsuru was right behind him, protecting him from the demon. Suddenly, Gyutaro started to strike Tanjiro and this was your cue to move. Slicing any remaining belts, you jumped up the roof and dashed toward the demon, "Kamado Tanjiro! You have my gratitude!" You exclaimed as you were about to slam your sword on Gyutaro's neck, taking Tanjiro and Hinatsuru by surprise.

The burgundy haired boy quickly composed himself and joined you to decapitate the demon, but you both were surprised when he blocked your swords by his sickles. Gyutaro let out a chuckle, "You think I will let you cut my head? Never going to happen!" He mocked while pinning your weapons by a flesh from his sickles, making it difficult to pull your sword back. You went to use your second sword since his hands were busy, but his head turned around 180⁰ in a very creepy way and held your other sword by his mouth.

"Don't swing your head all the way behind you! Damn you!" You thought as you started to get really pissed off. However, you noticed that he was about to use his demon art again, "Not that again!" You had to do something before Tanjiro or Hinatsuru can get hurt. The only thing you can do is to force him away with you. 

"Kamado! Hang on!"

Once you said this, the blood slashes shot out of Gyutaro's body. You stomped your foot an the roof before jumping away, forcing Gyutaro to follow you. Thankfully, you managed to free your swords and immediately went to fight him again, "Only one option left for me, I have to count on the Musical Score." You thought while blocking the blood slashes.

You just hoped your plan would work.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆


Diavolo was literally panicking as he looked everywhere for Hinatsuru, but he couldn't find him anywhere. It was his responsibility to watch over Hinatsuru as you asked, he knew you would be very upset and disappointed.

Diavolo looked everywhere through the crowd and in the alleyways, but Hinatsuru was nowhere to be found. "No no no no! Where did he go?" He mumbled nervously, still running around. Just then, his eyes land on two familiar men not to far from him. Hope raised in his chest as he ran to them, "Suma! Makio!" He called, making the two co-husbands look at him.

They both were surprised to see him running toward them, "Diavolo? What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Makio spoke up first once the demon prince arrived. After calming down, Diavolo opened him mouth and said, "I'm glad to see you both, but I can't find Hinatsuru!" He blurted out as a mix of fear and worry could be seen in his golden eyes. Makio and Suma exchanged glances before looking back to the red haired demon.

"Wh-What do you mean you can't find him? Y/N sama said he is with you." Suma stuttered as his blue eyes became glossy.

"We were making our way here, but then Hinatsuru saw an injured woman. He insisted on me to help her and then he just disappeared."

Makio frowned while Suma started to cry in fear something might happened to Hinatsuru. "Alright you two!" Makio exclaimed and made the two look at him, "Hinatsuru certainly went to help Y/N sama, I know him. So, let's not waste time and look for him!" He stated with determination as both Diavolo and Suma nodded.

The three then proceeded to go deeper into Yoshiwara. Diavolo was flying in his demon form, trying to search for Hinatsuru or you from above. However, they were met with a very terrifying scene. Everything around them was destroyed and on fire, no living being could be seen. Diavolo then saw someone barely capable of walking and he immediately recognize the person.


Him calling the name made Makio and Suma look up at him. They saw that he started to fly ahead and they both followed him. Surely, Hinatsuru wasn't just that far from them. The three rushed to him with concern, "Hinatsuru! Are you okay? What happened?" Makio asked as he supported his co-husband.

"Where's Y/N sama?" Suma added.

Hinatsuru who was struggling to breathe glanced up at his family, "There's two Upper Rank demons and everyone is barely holding themselves against them. Y/N is in a very bad condition." Once he finished explaining, Makio and Suma shared a look of terror while Diavolo frowned. He didn't waste time and flew up to look for you, ignoring the men calling for him.

He looked everywhere for you, but to no avail. He was about to give up when he saw your white hair under the rubble. He quickly landed down and rushed to you, "Oh no..." He trailed off while crouching down beside your body. He saw the blood and purple spots covering your body, but what broke his heart was the fact that you lost a hand. Diavolo quickly started to remove the rubble and picked your body up in his arms, "Y/N, open your eyes! Come on!" He called while gently tapping your face with his hand.

He then placed his head on your chest and to his shock he couldn't hear any heartbeat, "She can't be dead, right? Right?!" He thought as he returned to look at your face, tears appearing in his eyes.

He was in denial, he didn't want to lose you.

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