Chapter 2

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"I'm telling you Paige he's a jerk" Dylan said into the speaker as she pulled on a dress. "He fucks up my mailbox and then is a dick to me about it".

Paige's voice squealed from the other end of the line. "An Avenger though Dyl! That's so neat".

"Is it?" Dylan replied coolly as she put her mascara on.

"Ohh right I forgot about your anti-superhero stance" laughed Paige.

"Not anti, very grateful for all that they do. Just...happen to think they're often a pain in the ass too. And clearly he proved me right" Dylan sighed.

"Mmm. Well there's only one thing for it..."

"What, Paige?"

"You're gonna have to fuck him to work through this tension between you".

"Jesus, Paige! Do you ever stop?" Dylan scolded.

Paige laughed uproariously. "He is hot, though".

"Totally" replied Dylan, surprising herself at the admission.

"See?? Told you".

"Alright Lady Godiva, I gotta go" Dylan laughed.

"Enjoy your lunch! Get something expensive on your Editor's dollar and I'll see you later on. Byeeee".

"Bye Paige..." Dylan rolled her eyes as she hung up.

She checked the time as she rushed out, locking her door and running down the stairs. There was a loud drilling noise coming from the lobby, she moved to see what it was and found a maintenance guy working on the mailboxes with Bucky overseeing.

"Thanks man, good as new" Bucky nodded as the worker finished.

He looked up to see Dylan gawking at him suspiciously. He was slight taken aback as she was in a tight blue dress this afternoon rather than the baggy sweatpants from yesterday. The dress hugged her frame perfectly, revealing an hourglass figure he hadn't expected. Her hair sat in loose waves down to her shoulders and she was wearing subtle make-up to accentuate her features.

She looked good.

Bucky gestured to the fixed mailbox mockingly. "Have you come to yell at me again?" he called over to her. She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes, ignoring him.

"Thank-you for doing that so quickly" she said to the maintenance man warmly. "And I'm sorry you have to clean up the tenant's messes because they can't control themselves".

She shot an angry look at Bucky then shot out of the lobby into the street.

He grinned to himself, quietly thrilled by her anger.


"Sounds like a good meeting" said Paige as she and Dylan crossed the street.

"Mmm. They're really excited about the new a big social media campaign planned, a TikTok idea...just gotta finish writing the damn thing now..." replied Dylan as they neared her apartment.

"Thanks again for agreeing to help me build my flatpack furniture" Dylan added. "I know it's not a particularly thrilling afternoon off for you".

"Are you kidding??" scoffed Paige. "I LOVE flatpack. It's like a huge puzzle. I live for this shit".

Dylan laughed. They really were two very different people.

"Any more run ins with Sergeant Sexy?" Paige asked coyly, elbowing Dylan in the ribs.

Dylan rolled her eyes. "Only this morning when he was gloating about getting the mailbox fixed. I think he expected me to be impressed, even though he broke it in the first place and someone else actually did the work".

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