Chapter 6

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A few days had passed and things were calmer in Dylan's world. She had submitted a handful of draft chapters of the book to her editor and was elated by the positive response. She hadn't seen Bucky around the building at all despite coming and going regularly, and finally the memory of the drunken kiss was fading. Her leg felt a lot better too and she had taken the bandages off. There was only a slight scar on her knee, otherwise you'd never know anything had happened.

She popped out to get a coffee to reward herself for the writing progress, stepping out of the building and strolling to her favourite coffee joint just down the street. It was always busy and you had to wait a little longer but that was alright because it was the best coffee in Brooklyn.

As she got to the back of the long line, her heart sank when she recognised a familiar leather jacket clad back standing a few people in front of her. She rolled her eyes as her chest tightened with the tiniest pang of longing.


But at least he hadn't seen her. If she hung back she could probably avoid him until he left.

She absentmindedly scrolled through her phone as the line slowly filtered out and she got closer to the counter. It was then that her attention was caught by some hushed chatter in front of her.

Two women who looked to be in their early-twenties were standing just in front of her and talking animatedly, their voices straining in that forced quiet way that only happens when you're sharing a secret.

"Yeah, it's him" said the first woman confidently.

"Shit, you're right. Winter Soldier in the flesh. the metal" replied her friend, giggling.

Dylan's eyes slowly drifted up to Bucky standing further up the line. He remained facing straight ahead as the two women twisted themselves to look at him. Dylan glanced back at the women discreetly, now fully listening in without alerting them of their new audience member.

"I mean he's cute. But a total psycho right? Think how many people he must've killed" the first woman laughed, her tone laced with cruelty.

"Jeez Rach – that's savage" Rach's friend giggled. "I mean he couldn't control it right? Or so he says..."

The two women laughed nastily. Dylan felt her blood boil. Bucky didn't deserve this. He may not have always been her favourite person but he certainly deserved more respect than these bitches were giving him.

She looked over at him again. He was still facing straight ahead, nearly at the front of the line now. He gave no indication that he'd heard them, but with his super hearing - of course he had. She felt a twinge in her heart for him.

"I dare you to go talk to him" Rach said teasingly.

"No way!" the friend scoffed. "I don't want my body ending up in the Hudson" she giggled.

Dylan quietly seethed, clenching her teeth. She was no longer able to bite her tongue.

"Oh come on. Like either of you are worth the effort" she scoffed loudly to them.

They whirled around to face Dylan, their expressions both contorted in shared confusion.

"Excuse me??" snapped Rach.

"You heard me. Standing there talking shit about him like that. Don't you know the sacrifices he's made for the world? For people like you? You really think he'd give enough of a shit about two stuck up bitches to waste any of his energy on you? Get over yourselves and stop ragging on people who saved your asses in multiple wars".

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