Chapter 10

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Warning: Some smut, mostly fluff, faint mentions of gunshot/blood/violence (characters commenting on violence in a movie)

As much as it pained Dylan to admit it, and she never would to his face, Bucky was right – their time together had inspired her writing – she'd banged out nearly three thousand words that afternoon. It was fair to say Daisy was getting just as much action as her creator.

Her phone buzzed. It was Bucky, confirming their plans for the evening. She'd grinned goofily when his name flashed up on the screen. After breakfast he'd given her a lingering kiss and they'd agreed to have a night in together, watching movies and ordering takeout. As much as she'd loved her evening and morning with Bucky (really loved the morning delight in particular), it was also nice to have the day to herself. Dylan was fiercely independent and had spent a lot of time by herself over the years, she valued her own company and solitude – her own space.

Paige had facetimed Dylan a few hours after her impromptu morning visit, essentially just screaming.

"Dyl!!! Tell me EVERYTHING!"

Dylan rolled her eyes, chuckling. "C'mon Paigey. We had a nice time. He came back to my place for a nightcap. We had a dance in the living know how it goes".

Paige just squealed "Dancing?! Oh man. You guys are so cute I might die".

Dylan laughed and they chatted for a bit. Paige knew Dylan better than she knew herself, immediately picking up on some hesitation from her best friend. She prodded her gently for a little while without making her feel uncomfortable.

"You can tell me Dyl. It's just us".

Dylan furrowed her brow. "I dunno Paige. I like him a lot. Like a lot. It just feels very natural with him...and the sex, I mean, my God. It's next level..."

Paige let out a low whistle.

"...But I don't know" Dylan continued. "I'm probably just being stupid. But I'm kinda...nervous I guess? I haven't done this for a long time".

"Well neither has he..." Paige interjected.

"True" Dylan considered. "I suppose it's just all new, and I'm scared of it going wrong. Or I'm scared of him becoming another Gabe" she croaked.

"Bucky is not Gabe" Paige gently assured her.

"You're right. I know that" Dylan sighed. "I dunno. I'm being dumb..."

"No you're not" Paige replied. "It's okay to be anxious Dyl. You've been through a lot, of course you're cautious. But Bucky is a good guy. Just try and enjoy it, take it slow".

Dylan smiled, instantly feeling a bit better. "Thanks Paigey".

"Anytime, Dyl".


Dylan was rushing around her apartment tidying up before Bucky's imminent arrival. She wasn't sure how the day ran away from her but here she was picking up laundry and scrubbing dishes in the final few minutes despite having all day to do it. Paige's words from earlier echoed in her ears. She couldn't help but still have a niggling doubt, but she pushed it to the back.

She didn't know what to wear, which she knew was ridiculous. They'd had sex already – twice now. He'd seen her countless times around the building, during bad hair days or wearing her sloppiest sweatpants. He knew what she looked like. It seemed silly to dress up for staying in. But she didn't want to look bad, either. She settled on some leggings which she knew made her ass look good, plus a red cotton t-shirt that didn't drown her but wasn't especially tight either. As she checked herself out in the mirror the door went and she scurried over to answer it.

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