Chapter 7

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"So when am I taking you out?" asked Bucky as his hand found the small of Dylan's back.

Dylan smirked. "Somebody is presumptuous" she teased.

Bucky smirked right back then tugged her towards him again, she gasped as he gave her another lingering kiss, wondering if he could hear how fast her heart was beating.

"I'm going to keep doing that until you give me a date" he told her sternly.

"I just...I don't really do dates" she shrugged nonchalantly.

"You don't do dates...yet you're a romance writer?" Bucky questioned.

"I know. It's weird. Just too many bad ones...I guess" she shrugged again, suddenly feeling very exposed by his hard glare.

"Then how do you meet people?" he asked, his brow furrowed as he inspected her cautiously.

"Well...I don't" she replied awkwardly. "I just sort of...stay me. By myself".

"What a load of bullshit" spat Bucky.

"Excuse me?" Dylan snapped, eyes narrowing.

"I just can't believe you're too chicken shit to date" Bucky replied casually. "You'll start bar fights, shout at women in coffee shops and certainly put me in my place...but apparently dinner and a movie is too intimidating...".

Dylan glowered at him, knowing full well what he was doing but unable to resist the bait. "I'm not scared I just don't want to" she folded her arms.

"It's okay Dyl, we all get scared sometimes" he replied mockingly.

"Do you really think you can manipulate me into a date like that?" she scolded.

Bucky winked, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Maybe...".

"Are you going to let up on this at all?" she countered, unable to hold back her own smile.

Bucky thought carefully for a moment. "...No" he said firmly.

"Fine. Tomorrow night, pick me up at eight. But only because I want a peaceful life and it's the only way to shut you up" she explained sternly.

Bucky nodded. "Eight, tomorrow".

He headed to the stairs before turning to face her again. "And I should probably get your number too. Just in case". He passed her his phone and she took it gingerly, adding herself into his contacts.

"In case you forget where I live?" she said teasingly as she passed it back to him.

"Exactly" he winked and then headed to the stairs again.

"Oh, one more thing..." he added as he turned to face her once more.

"What now-" started Dylan.

Bucky cut her off and wrapped his hands around the back of her neck, his fingers slipping into her hair as he kissed her again. His lips were against hers so softly that she instinctively pushed against him, desperate for more. Just as she got the pressure she wanted he pulled away suddenly, grinning as his finally ascended the stairs.

"You're so annoying" she muttered, frustrated.

"Stop ragging on people who saved your ass in multiple wars" he shot back, repeating the line she'd used on the bitchy girls in the coffee shop.

She just rolled her eyes. "I knew you were going to use that against me!" she shouted back at him.

"Tomorrow. Eight" he shouted back as he disappeared into his apartment.

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