Chapter 8

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Sexual references/smut throughout this chapter

The rest of the date passed nicely. Bucky and Dylan chatted for hours, conversation flowing easily between them both. There was also a fair amount of teasing and bantering as always, but it was light hearted and fun – the mutual venom from their first few meetings had seemingly slipped away. Bucky told some of the stories from the Avengers while Dylan stared open mouthed, her mind blown at the differences in their life experience. It was amazing they had anything in common at all. But somehow it worked. It was easy. Organic. It felt like she was talking to someone she'd known for years.

They finally left the restaurant after the staff had started to clear tables and sweep up – a clear sign that they were ready to close. The evening had got away from them both as they got caught up in learning more about one another.

As they walked back to the apartment Bucky reached for Dylan's hand mid-sentence and clutched it tightly as they strolled down the street. Dylan's stomach jumped slightly at the contact, but squeezed back. She suddenly felt quite anxious about all that was happening, but her strong feelings for Bucky seemed to swallow her nerves.

The truth was Bucky was anxious too, despite the air of confidence he had projected so far. He was out of the loop with dating. He'd tried the apps but they were too overwhelming. He'd almost forgotten how to talk to women, his glory days in the forties were distant memories. And twenty first century women were quite different to the girls he knew before. Everything had changed. Even picking the date had caused him endless stress, not wanting to do the wrong thing or misjudge what Dylan might like to do. He'd exchanged a few panicked texts with Sam who advised him to do something classic but not too flashy, and that's how he chose the restaurant.

Dylan knew exactly who he was and seemed to accept him for it, but he still worried that his past would come back to haunt him – that it would taint them in some way. It had all been quite easy with her, though. Their initial squabbling and bickering meant he didn't feel nervous around her. What had started as annoyance had shifted into affection. He liked that she challenged him, kept him on his toes. But now he'd seen glimpses of vulnerability underneath her bravado, he just wanted to scoop her up and look after her.

"Well, this is me" Dylan said sincerely as they got to their building, as if Bucky was dropping her off.

Bucky chuckled. "Your jokes are really awful, do you know that?" he asked playfully.

"Painfully aware" she giggled. "And always laugh".

"Pity laughs" he winked.

They smiled at each other for a moment before Dylan broke the silence.

"Did you...want a nightcap back at my place?" she asked, doing her best to appear as casual as possible.

Bucky nodded, also keen to be casual despite his sudden nerves. "Sure".

They entered the building and went upstairs, Dylan opened her apartment door and let them in. Bucky was pleased to be back here again, in her space, with her. Last time he was here it had all gone horribly wrong between them, but he wouldn't let that happen this time.

"You a whiskey man?" Dylan asked as she dumped her bag and wandered to the kitchen, pulling a couple of glasses from the cabinet.

"I am indeed" replied Bucky, slipping his jacket off.

"Can't get drunk though, right?" Dylan called out as she filled the glasses.

"Nope" he responded. "Serum makes sure of that".

"One whiskey for the sober senior citizen" Dylan said as she passed him his drink.

They cheersed and took big sips as Bucky sat on the couch. Dylan slipped down next to him, her heart pounding. Bucky turned to face her, smiling warmly. His eyes were more of a sky blue now.

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