SCP-6194-A-3 Exposure (SCP-446, Human Mannequin)

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|| This may be a more wholesome chapter, but the lewd is still present after [SCP-6194-1 Testing phase 2] ||

[Video playback begins]

SCP-6194 is sat at his regular interrogation table, cuffed like always. However, sat across from him was current researcher Dr.Rodriguez. Dr.Rodriguez requested for face to face interviewing to both build in rapport and closer observations of behavior. Dr.Rodriguez had documentation sprawled across the table while SCP-6194 was slumped back in his chair. Arms still extended from the lock at the center of the table. Researcher Rodriguez spoke first asking. "Are you prepared for questioning SCP-6194?"

"You can just call me Deane, Rodge. And are the cuffs really necessary?"

"You're a Euclid class anomaly 6194. And besides, you understand what we're here to talk about, right?"

SCP-6194 gestures with his hands as he speaks. "C'mon man, I was honest when I arrived here in the first place. Marshall Carter and Dark had a deal with me. They brought me anomalies I found... fun. I paid them more than I could really afford. Sold a lot of shit to afford their services..."

"While we mostly believe you, it's now clear your anomaly had something to do with your interactions... is it true you paid them? Or was there a different kind of exchange?"

SCP-6194 became noticeably nervous and uncomfortable. "Look, we made exchanges, that's all. I'm not gonna go into detail..." an uncomfortable silence hung between them. The doctor now scribbling something into his notes.

"What makes you so uncomfortable about talking about them or your exchange? Do you believe they're watching us?"

"No! No, no, no! I just..." SCP-6194 had jumped in his seat with his response. He was leaning forward now, looming over his cuffs. "It's just embarrassing, alright? They had this... girl. They knew what I could do, but fuck knows how." Rodriguez clearly showed interest and leaned closer towards SCP-6194. "They contacted me. Didn't recognize the number. They wanted to see if they could use what I do to... heighten some of their products. Make them more exciting for their more high spending customers."

"So you didn't pay them... you made trades with them. What did they specifically give you in exchange?"

"Well, like I said. They gave me anomalies I found fun." A moment of silence hung in the room.

"They were woman, weren't they."

"The ones clients got bored of. Some of them would get depressed and feel rejected so I'd turn it around for them. Make them feel better about themselves. Sometimes that's a good thing, but others... well..."

"We've spoken to Vector... your name brings a certain attitude that makes her difficult to deal with."

"Yeah... kinda like that."

[End of video]

After interview, Rodriguez submitted a request for a specific test that was quickly approved by 05 council member four. The test was to see if SCP-446 would show any abnormal reactions to SCP-6194 given her relation with Martial, Carter, and Dark LTD. Also, as an effort to see if SCP-6194 has control over his anomalous effect, SCP-446 would be quietly placed in his room while asleep.

[SCP-6194-1 Testing phase 2]

During regular scheduled lunch SCP-6194's cell was modified for better humanoid containment under the guise it was for good behavior. However, many amenities in his room were modified to record audio, video, and several other readings such as heat sensors, heart monitoring, and weight measuring in his mattress. Testing took place at 24:00 hours to ensure SCP-6194 had entered REM sleep.

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