Still Mōmoku

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"Kill them."

"No! Wai-"

The words hadn't even fully left my mouth when I felt a surge of air push towards me. Strong arms wrapped around me as I was pulled towards the ground and a missile flew over our heads. The projectile buried itself in a pile of debris, exploding on impact. The blast was hot, the stench of gun powder filling the air as the explosion flew over Kakashi's and my head. "Y/n!" Kakashi screamed as he shielded me with his arms and body. Throwing himself in harms way to keep me safe. What the fuck was his deal? Why the hell would he do that? Hadn't he shown me that he didn't care about me? Hadn't his actions shown that he forgot about me as soon as I had left his sight? What was his motive?

I looked to my side and saw Obito standing on a pile of rubble. His arms hanging slack next to his body. The energy that radiated from him was a mix of pure fury and heartache. I wanted to call out to him. Talk to him. Suddenly aware of the turmoil that his pain created inside me. I didn't want him to be hurt. But since when did I care about him? Was it my despair that drove me into his arms and that slowly had opened my heart to him? And how open was my heart in the first place? Was this a valid emotion of love? Or was it something that had resembled love but was built on the foundation of not wanting to be alone? He turned around, his back straight and his shoulders rigid as he stepped away. But before he could take another step I found the words that would tell him about my confusion. Something that would hopefully tell him that I didn't know what I should say but that I still needed to say something to him.

"I'm still Mōmoku!"

Obito stopped his movement. He froze for a split second. Just enough to reassure me that he had heard me. That my words had reached him and that he would be thinking about what they meant. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling. I wanted my emotions to pester him. Like an itch, you couldn't scratch. Like a disease that knew no cure.

In that fraction of a second, he looked over his shoulder. His one visible eye linked with mine. I just prayed that he would realize what I tried to say, even if I didn't even know what I tried to say. He returned his gaze forward and the air around him turned into a weird swirl as he disappeared and left me underneath Kakashi. his arms protectively wrapped around me, his hands shielding my head against the heat and flames. He must be in pain, the flames scorching his back until the intensity died down.

I quickly flipped us over, successfully extinguishing the flames on his back.

I didn't wait for him to say anything. I jumped to my feet and attacked the bomb-throwing weirdo head on. Whatever would happen to me, I wouldn't allow Pein and his weirdos to capture Naruto. I would win or die trying. And dying wasn't even the worst thing that could happen to me anyway. If I were to die, I wouldn't have to deal with whatever shit show was waiting for me if I survived. And I would meet up with Itachi in whatever the next world would be.

I attempted to sweep the legs out from under the large freak but I couldn't get a clean hit. He was able to predict my tactic, move out of the way or counter with a precision that was freakishly accurate. As if he had some kind of sneaky way to take a look in my mind. To read what I was thinking before I even finished the thought myself.

I was halfway through a series of signs when my opponent suddenly appeared on my flak. One of his six hands took hold of my arm and I was tossed to the side as if I weighed nothing. His strength was monstrous, matching the weird arms and sharp saw that appeared when he pulled away his cloak and tossed it to the side. The tip of the saw was shimmering dangerously, the sunlight bouncing off the tip and edges as a warning not to come too close.

"Don't forget about me you freak!" Kakashi screamed as he appeared behind the freak, drawing its attention towards himself. The saw was already moving towards me, the freak not easily distracted from its main objective. He wouldn't change course and if I didn't act, I would die. So now, with the little time frame that I had, I could do only one thing to make sure that the Akatsuki wouldn't capture and kill Naruto.

Love in the leaves [Kakashi X Reader X Itachi]Where stories live. Discover now