Saying goodbye

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[A/n: I am one proud puppy!!! More than A thousand reads! *does her stupid happy dance* Thank you all so much for reading! And as a special treat a lemon chapter! Hip Hip Hoe-ray!]


Itachi hummed in response but his eyes never left the sight in front of him. The water was shimmering as the moonlight hit it and fireflies filled the air with small lights. It looked like a picture form a wonderland, romantic, breathtaking.

Your cheeks dusted a light shade of pink but the last bit of longing made you determined. You crawled over Itachi's lap, straddling it as your hands cupped his cheeks. "Kiss me,"

Itachi closed his eyes and shook his head, but you were determined to get your last kiss with Itachi. Accepting for yourself that it would be the last time you and Itachi would kiss and finally heal yourself and your heart from the chapter that once was Itachi and Y/n. "Itachi... Kiss me one last time before you leave me," you pleaded with a soft voice.

You leaned in to link lips but Itachi's hand caught your upper arms, halting your movements. The thumbs made circular motions, caressing the skin, only adding to the longing feeling inside of you.

"Y/n-chan... We can't, you're with Kakashi now."

"That didn't stop you earlier."

"No, and look what it got you. I found you crying in the forest. Don't tell me that didn't have anything to do with Kakashi."

You closed your eyes and let your forehead rest against Itachi's. You took a deep breath before whispering "I just wish I could have the both of you,"

Itachi snickered a bit under you as his right hand slid up your arm to your cheek, cupping it and softly caressing the skin. Unbeknownst to you, Itachi had opened his eyes and scanned your facial expression.

You were biting your lower lip and Itachi's eyes slowly wandered lower until they rested on your chest. Your breasts were moving up and down with each breath you took and Itachi felt torn on the inside.

Itachi activated his Sharingan, searching through the dense forest to see where Kakashi was, making an estimation on how long Itachi would be alone with you before the copy cat would be here. This could work

Itachi pulled you closer with an amused smirk on his lips. "Just a goodbye kiss Y/n-chan? Is that enough for you?"

"It will never be enough Itachi, but I will take what I can get," You told him breathlessly, whispering it against his lips. Your hands rested on Itachi's shoulders waiting if Itachi would link lips with you or not. 

"Open your eyes Y/n-chan."

You shook your head, not willing to accept that Itachi was staring you straight in the eyes as he rejected you. You didn't want him to watch your heart break through your eyes as they filled with tears.

"Let me see those beautiful eyes fill up with passion for me one last time and I will grant you your wish Y/n-chan. Just this once."

Itachi's lips capture yours and you opened your eyes, staring deeply into his. Itachi gently nibbled your lower lip and you parted them to grant him access. His tongue twirled around yours as his hand made its way towards your breast, rubbing your nipple in between his thumb and index finger.You closed your eyes, soaking in every detail of the last kiss with Itachi, willing to remember it for as long as you would live.

Love in the leaves [Kakashi X Reader X Itachi]Where stories live. Discover now