Midnight Punishment

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Kakashi's hand released your hair and you shakingly took a step back, creating some distance between yourself and the furious Hatake.The wind ruffled the leaves in the tree's and it made Kakashi's silver locks sway a bit as his everlasting intense gaze was still fixated on you.

He pulled up his mask and walked over to you. With one of his big hands, he lifted your chin up, giving himself access to your neck if he wanted to. You knew now what his enemies on the battlefield had endured. The feeling over being overpowered by him was paralyzing and you knew that if push came to shove, you would lose any battle he would engage you in.

"Don't expect to sleep much tonight Y/n. You have to make up to me. I will wake you up at midnight. Be ready."

Too overwhelmed by Kakashi, you couldn't even respond to him. You kept looking at him with big eyes, ready to make a run for it if he moved. His eyebrows were still knitted together in a frown and the only thing that could have made him look even more intimidating was his Sharingan who, thank Kami, was still hidden by his headband. 

"As you superior, I'll expect an answer that you understood your order. Did you understand your order L/n, Y/n?"


Before you knew what happened, Kakashi was standing in front of you once more, grabbing the same chunk of hair and pulling your head back again.

"Yes, what?" He questioned as he stared down at you.

"Y-yes S-sir"

You hated yourself for stuttering like a scared little schoolgirl but let's be honest. You were scared. Scared beyond believe because Kakashi on a power trip was a force to be reckoned with. He towered over you by a few good inches and his dark eye had the ability to freeze your mind and body. 

"Good girl. Now, go and set up those tents and help Sakura with the food when she and Naruto return."

Kakashi released your hair and you almost fell on your but when he did but somehow you managed to stay on your two feet. Kakashi almost had an amused look in his eye, almost but not quite. You hastily stumbled to the middle of the camp and started setting up the tents so that, by the time Naruto and Sakura would return you would be ready to help them.

The tents were up in less than 10 minutes and you even started to make the beds in each of them by placing the sleeping bags in them and placing everybody's backpack in their tents. When you came to the tent you and Kakashi would usually share you didn't know what to do. You just stood there dumbfounded, looking at the zipped open entrance, hoping that the answer would come to you.

"What are you doing Y/n?"

Kakashi had managed to sneak up on your and his hands grabbed your hips, pushing your bum against his front. You could feel the semi-erect member and shakingly let out a soft breath you didn't even know you were holding. Kakashi must have sensed your hesitation because he pulled your hips harder this time.

"I asked you a question Y/n. Answer me," he ordered in a low voice. 

You whispered back, again feeling yourself shrink under his dominance. "I'm not sure if I should place both out backpacks and sleeping bags in the tent. I don't know if you want to sleep in such a small space with me tonight..." 

On hand released your hip and the finger slipped under your shirt. Kakashi traced lines all over your spine which made shiver run through you as you bit your lip to prevent yourself from moaning too loud.

"Of course you're going to put both our backpacks and sleeping bags in the tent. I'm sure as hell not willing to sleep outside and I'm not allowing you to. So make our beds Y/n."

Love in the leaves [Kakashi X Reader X Itachi]Where stories live. Discover now