Reaching Suna

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The journey to Suna went by in a flash. Naruto was dashed forward in such a virtuous speed that everybody struggled to keep up. When you reached Suna in less that one and a half day everybody panted like crazy. Even Kakashi's always emotionless face looked worn out and he swayed back and forth as if he would fall towards the ground in exhaustion any second. 

At the gates, a sand shinobi was waiting to escort you to the Kazekage's building. A blond girl with her hair in four spiky ponytails, dressed in a black dress with a huge fan strapped on her back. The girl looked angry and scared at the time but she seemed to relax a bit when Naruto ran up to her."Temari, tell us everything we need to know!"

Temari started explaining everything she knew. The attack on Suna, how Gaara was able to fight of the bomber Akatsuki member until he sacrificed himself to protect Suna, leaving an opening for the Ataksuki to strike.How her other brother, a boy named Kankuro, started to pursuit the Akatsuki but he was defeated and poisoned, left in the Suna desert to die.

"They have taken Gaara and now we are vulnerable for enemies attacking us. We have no leader" Temari stated as she took quick steps towards the sand-colored round building. Kakashi was listening to every word she said intently but the exhaustion seemed to take the better of him. Kakashi's steps were slow and sounded more as shuffling than actual footsteps but and quickly walked next to him and hoisted his arm around your shoulder.

This night had taken a bigger toll on his body than Kakashi wanted to admit.

Kakashi gave you a grateful smile and allowed himself to lean a bit on you as Temari guided you through all the corridors on the round building. After what seemed like the tenth rounded corner you could hear the faint screams of a male being in pain. His agony was clearly audible and Temari dashed forward with Sakura and Naruto hot on her tail. You followed along with Kakashi still leaning on your shoulders.

Inside the room, panic started to rise as the male on the bed thrashed left to right in agony. Sakura stepped forward, immediately taking the chard from the end of the hospital bed, reading all the data that the nurses and doctors had gathered. "Do we have a sample of the poison so we can make an antidote?" Sakura questioned. The pinkette had the same bossy manner of speech as Tsunade, a clear sign that she was studying under the fifth Hokage. 

Sakura immediately started discussing with the sand shinobis about the male condition. Temari looked worried towards the sweating and panty body in the bed, tears brimming her teal colored eyes.

Naruto seemed a bit lost with the situation but the clumsy blonde did what was necessary. He pulled Temari into an embrace, allowing her to bury her face against his chest as she sobbed silently. He rubbed her back in a comforting way, promising her, "Don't worry Temari, I will bring back Gaara and Sakura will help Kankuro, please don't cry."

"Die you cursed white fang!"

The sudden scream from behind you made you and Kakashi turn around, only to be faced with an old lady, charging forward towards Kakashi, attacking with deadly intent.

You pushed Kakashi out of the way, keeping him safe from the old lunatic and dodged her attack only to counter it immediately.

Your kunai rested against her neck before she could comprehend what had happened. "I know that on your age everything isn't as clear as it should be but you just attacked Hatake Kakashi, not the white fang of Konoha."

Love in the leaves [Kakashi X Reader X Itachi]Where stories live. Discover now