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I sat on the couch in my living room, thinking about my 'temporary relocation.' My apartment was destroyed by the Avengers in New York City, so Tony Stark, the Iron Man, had graciously offered to pay for a new house for me in upstate New York. He claimed it was going to be temporary, but it was now a year after the fact, and I was doubting more every day that I was only going to be here 'temporarily.'

I was watching my favorite television series when the signal began to flicker. I turned it on and off again, hoping that would do the trick, but it continued not working. "Damn it, TV." I swore quietly. It wasn't two minutes later I heard a thundering crash in the front yard. "SHIT!" I grabbed a bat and ran outside.

In the right-hand corner of my front lawn was a large crater. I gripped the bat tighter--just in case--and did what my mind was telling me exactly not to do--approach the weird crater. I leaned over the edge of it and found a tall, lean, not inherently ugly man in the center of it. "Hey!!" I shouted. He appeared to be unconcious. The man jolted awake and stood, brushing himself off.

"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose--" he started. "Okay, Loki of Asgard. I am...Y/n of Warlington, New York."
Loki huffed. He crept out of the crater and shook dirt out of his raven hair. He was only a little attractive. "Come on, let's get you inside before you start attracting any unwanted attention," I suggested, seeing people come out of their houses.


"Hearing that noise and seeing a person come from space is not the most normal thing in the world."

"I'm not a person. I'm a god!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "Boots off, please," I said, gesturing to his dirt covered black boots. "Why?" He asked. God, he was like a toddler. "Because I just cleaned and I don't want you tracking mud and dirt into my house," I smiled. Loki rolled his eyes but kicked off his boots. "This way," I said, leading him to the bathroom. He reluctantly followed but calmed a bit when he saw that I wasn't going to kill him.

I sat Loki down on the edge of the tub and filled it with lukewarm water halfway. "I'm terribly sorry about this, but I need you to strip some of that off," I said, pointing to his outfit which looked like high quality Comic Con material. "Absolutely not. This is fine Asgardian leather," he snapped.

"And unless you want that fine Asgardian leather getting soaked to the core, I recommend you take it off."

Loki went silent. He nodded and bit his lip, taking the armor off layer by layer until he was shirtless. Somehow the dirt had penetrated to his skin and he was covered with dust. I took a washcloth and handed it to him. "I need to get started on dinner. Run this over yourself and come get me when you're done. You might want to rinse some water through your hair as well."

I went to the kitchen, occasionally hearing water pouring from the tub in the bathroom. I felt lazy so I just made some premade freezer pizza. I chucked it in the oven and waited. A few moments later, Loki came out of the bathroom, fully dressed in regular clothes. "I see you found his things," I said, a sour taste entering my mouth.

"What do you mean, his things?"

"My ex. He left with some girl one day and left his things here. I've been meaning to get rid of them but I guess now they'll serve some use."

"Ah. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Just let me know if you need some more clothes, I'll get you some."

Loki nodded. The oven went off, startling Loki. "Sorry. Do you not have ovens on Asgard?" I asked. "We do, but not like this," he responded. I nodded and took the pizza out of the oven. "Well, dinner is served, I guess."
I handed Loki a plate and he grabbed a slice, looking at it with curiosity. "You don't have--"

"This on Asgard? We do not. What is it called?"

"Pizza, and it's very delicious."

"I shall take your word for it, Lady Y/n."
"Just Y/n," I said, stifling a smile. "Just Y/n, then," Loki responded, the two of us headed into the living room. "So, Loki, why are you here?"

A/n: Here we go again! I will be updating this story every other Tuesday, for your information. Just want to say thanks so much for choosing to read my stories and I hope you have a lovely day 💚


The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now