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What the Hel? She had just disappeared in front of me. I collapsed to my knees and touched the ground. "Y/n--" I choked. I held my head in my hands and sobbed. We were finally together, and that was all taken away. It had to be her. It could have been anyone else and it had to be her. Stark ushered me to get in the ship, that we didn't have time here. I reluctantly moved into the half--broken ship with the blue robot girl, Nebula.
21 Days Later
I sat in my quarters on the ship, hearing Stark and Nebula play some game. It had been 21 days since we left Titan, and 21 days without her. I had done nothing except eat and sleep and cry. Nebula had made sure I had eat a bit. I looked in my mirror in my quarters. I was thin, thinner than usual, and my hair was an utter mess. If Y/n was here she wouldn't have me looking like this. But she wasn't because that stupid doctor gave away the stone.
I looked out the window and saw a bright yellow glow. Yay, another attack. I could care less--perhaps that meant I could finally see Y/n. But yet, it looked like, like a person. I felt the ship descending at a regular pace and I relaxed a bit.
We landed on the lawn of the Avengers compound. Stark was the first one out of the ship, accompanied by Nebula. I was the final one out, and Captain Rogers saw to me. "Loki? Is that you?" He asked. I nodded. "You've changed," he said.
"I indeed have. It was a nightmare seeing him again."
"I can imagine. Let's get you taken care of."
"Not without Y/n."
Right. They don't know who she is. "My--my girlfriend," I said quietly. The Captain and the rest of the people gathered there by the ship went silent. "She was one of the ones who disappeared," I murmured. They still remained silent. "What? Can't believe that me, Loki, God of Mischief and Lord of Lies could have somebody to love? A monster like me?" I hissed. I then promptly collapsed onto the grass.


The next day we all assembled (unintended pun there) in the lounge area of the compound. I kept my gaze to the floor, completely silent. Stark was in a wheelchair, the effects of being in space for a prolonged period of time was beginning to get to him. "We're the Avengers! We're not the Prevengers, we're the Avengers!" He was telling Captain Rogers. They were arguing about the snap and about the loss or something or other. I kept it drowned out, much like Thor, who apparently had failed to kill him.
The woman who had saved us, Miss Danvers, I believe, stood. "Where are you going?" Stark's friend Rhodes asked. "To kill Thanos," she said matter of factly. He stood to stop her and at this point I talked for the first time. "Why are we stopping her? That ass deserves every bit of what he is going to get at the hands of her," I hissed.
"Loki, I don't know if you know this, but everyone here is about that superhero life. But we do this together."
"I'm done with doing this together. I'm done."
My voice cracked and I left, going outside. I knew where I was going--where Odin had shown Thor and I before the destruction of Asgard. I watched as a few of the remaining team members chased after me. "You can find me if you get her back."


It had been five years since I lost her. I had been living with the Kronan I met during Ragnarok, Korg and his insect friend Miek. We wasted our days away drinking mead and playing some mind numbing game called "Fortnite." As I swore at some kid named "Noobmaster69", we heard a knock on the door. "Fuck. I'll get it," I groaned. As I stood to get it, they came in anyway.
It was the raccoon from the ship and Banner...but half Hulk. I chose not to question it. "Loki..." He said. "What do you want?" I said, rubbing my eyes at the light that shone in. "Loki, we've found a way. A way that we can get everyone back."
"No. You're toying with me. Not everyone. Not her."
"Yes. We can bring Y/n--"
"Don't. Don't say her name..."
I grabbed his shoulder, refusing to let the tears that pricked my eyes to fall. "Ah, yeah, bro, we don't actually say that name in here," Korg said. Banner-Hulk gently removed my hand. "Loki, listen. If there was even a chance, wouldn't you want to try?" He asked. I clenched my jaw. Damn it. Here we go. "Yes. But you better be right."

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now