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Elizabeth's p.o.v.

I-I'm pregnant. This was real life. I'm 3 months pregnant. The doctors told me that the baby was healthy and I should start telling the people that I want to know. First I decided to go to my friend Hannah's house. Only because she's my best friend and Olivia, Lauren (we call her Lo) and Hannah's older step-sister Anna were there. Anna and I are really close. I can relate to her and Olivia better then anyone else.
"Ashton can you drive me to Hannahs house? I need to tell her first. " I told Ashton.
When I got to Hannahs house I didn't knock I just immediately barged in.

"Oh hey Elizabeth! Something wrong?" Anna questioned sensing something wasn't right.
"Guys can I tell you something very important... like now..." I said telling them more then asking them. They all sat down staring at me very concerned.

"I don't really know how to say this... Okay I'm just going to say it plain and simple. " I Spit out "I-I'm pregnant. Ashtons the dad..."
We sat in dead silence for about 45 seconds for what felt like hours. It seemed like they didn't know what to say. Hannah was the first one to break the silence.
"I don't know what to say... I mean I'm happy if you're happy Beth..." Hannah managed to say.

"Guys I know this is hard to respond to or comprehend. Honestly I am happy and excited but another half of me is scared and feels like an immature idiot. " I told them

" Lo and I are happy for you and think you will be a great mother, right Lo?" Liv stated

"I'm very happy!! We can babysit and help with anything you need!!...... At least I can!!" Lo spatted. Obviously she was very excited.

"Anything you need were here for you Beth. " Anna assured

"Thanks guys I don't know what I would do without you people.." I told them and fiddled with my fingers until I was brought into a warm group hug. It felt so good to know I had people caring for me.

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