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Lo's p.o.v.
Calum asked to take me out to lunch because apparently he had to tell me something. It seemed important so I agreed and we jumped in the car and drove to a local Coney Island. I noticed the 'please seat yourself' sign so I kept walking to a booth with Calum following closely behind. A blonde haired waitress ordered our drinks. I got a diet coke and Cal got a water.
"So babe, what did you have to tell me?" I asked him because he still hadn't gave me a hint or anything.
"So Liz is pregnant... and I uh, see how happy they are. and...."
"Spit it out Cal" I told him harshly
"I want to have a kid. " he spat out "well I want you to have a kid"
"Cal... we just started dating a year ago... I think we should wait a little. " I replied. I couldn't believe this. Calum actually wanted to have a baby. A hot bass player bad boy wanted to be a father.

Elizabeth's p.o.v.
I was in the hospital being rushed to a room with Ashton and my parents running behind. I was in so much pain and having so many contractions. It was awful. I was only 16.

Ashton's p.o.v.
It was so hard seeing the love of my life in pain. I wanted to take all of her pain and make myself suffer.

Elizabeth's p.o.v.
It was 7 hours of agony. But my doctor finally came in and told me I was ready.

"Push!" the nurse yelled "Come on sweetie! Push! You can do it!" she encouraged
I pushed for about 5 minutes and finally my sweet boy, Liam Andrew Caster. He was my angel. I held him for the first time. The first time he met his momma, the first time he opened his eyes and then my other sweet boy held him. Ashton instantly fell in love. When I saw Ash holding him I knew for sure he would be a great father and husband.

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